Dutiful Mouthpiece This episode is about the significance of our voices as a gift from God. It emphasizes the power of voice, your mouthpiece, and the responsibility to use it intentionally. The narrative underscores the uniq...
"Welcome to the sixth episode of our discipleship series, titled 'Obedience in a Disobedient World.’ In this episode, we delve into the profound significance of obedience in our relationship with God. We explore how obedience...
1. Discover the power of forgiveness in the Christian life - learn why, when, and how to forgive, and understand the ultimate reason behind our call to forgive. 2. Explore the depths of forgiveness in the Christian journey - ...
The Mind! Rick discusses the meaning of Romans 12:2, with the help of the Man in Black, and how we can transform our minds to be more like Jesus Christ. This subject is the very point of this whole podcast …
Rick explores Ephesians 1:3-14 and discusses how God never fails us and have given to us, abundantly... even in the midst of our disobedience. Proverbs 10:22. The Blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorro...
Rick reads from Proverbs 21:2 and discusses our true identity in Christ. What it is, what it isn't and how to know the difference. Rick discusses the topic of identity and how it is often defined by worldly things such …
Welcome to the first episode of Renewed Mindsets with host Rick Yuhas. In this podcast, Rick delves into the basics of what it means to be a Christian and how to implement that in our daily lives. The focus of …