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Renewed Mindsets
Aug. 30, 2024

Zeros to Heroes

Zeros to Heroes

Zeros to Heroes

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Feel like you're constantly falling short in a world obsessed with comparison? Uncover how ordinary people, like you and me, can achieve extraordinary things when we align with God's purpose. We draw wisdom from biblical figures such as Moses, David, Rahab, and Peter, who, despite their flaws and limitations, played pivotal roles in God's plan. This episode is all about recognizing your inherent value and unique gifts, emphasizing the importance of impacting lives over seeking validation.

Looking for more inspirational content? Dive into the wealth of resources available on, where you'll find past episodes and accompanying blog posts. Leave a positive voice message and you might just hear yourself in a future episode! Also, don't miss out on my second podcast, "Wisdom for the Day," where we explore the practical insights of Proverbs in a daily, bite-sized format. Tune in next Wednesday for another enriching episode of Renewed Mindsets. I'm Rick, and I can't wait to continue this journey with you.

Christ Alone Podcast

Listen to my friend Gayla at or wherever you get your podcasts.

Support the Show.

Support the Show:

Renewed Mindsets can be found on Facebook, Twitter (X), Threads and Instagram as Renewed Mindsets. Our website is Leave a voicemail message, yellow microphone on every page, I might just use it on a future episode.

If you like what you hear then tell someone about the show.

Your continued support ensures that God's message to the podcast world will continue to be available for everyone. And know, 50% of all funding will be used as an offering to my local church. The rest will help supplement the cost of providing a quality show ie. equipment, bandwidth fees, Tylenol etc. HA!

The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:00 - Embracing Our Ordinary Extraordinary Potential

07:42 - Exploring Podcast and Blog Content



00:00:00.281 --> 00:00:03.330
Hey, rick from Renewed Mindsets.

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Thank you for listening to a bonus episode on Heroes.

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It's just a little addition to the episode that dropped a few days ago, episode number 47.

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Go back and listen to it if you haven't heard it.

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I appreciate you If you like it.

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If you like this, send me a message, let me know.

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Feedback is awesome.

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You know we talked earlier that any of us can be a hero.

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Ordinary people are used by an extraordinary God.

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You know, in a world where comparison seems to be the norm, it's easy to buy into the lie that you just don't measure up.

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But the problem with that is we don't believe that it's a lie.

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We've let it become the truth.

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That girl is prettier than you the man at your gym benches way more than you ever could.

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Someone else was chosen for the position at work and you felt you deserved it.

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That mom you know the one on Instagram that has it all together.

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Yeah, you'll never be her.

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You know, in our society contemporary society is perpetuated by social media and culture it's easy to fall into the comparison trap.

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We measure our worth against seemingly flawless standards set by other people that we don't even know.

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It's a habit that not only breeds discontent, but it also obscures the profound biblical truth that we're created in the image of God Genesis 127.

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And we are, by design, capable of partaking in His extraordinary plans.

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It's critical, especially for younger generations, to understand that being ordinary doesn't preclude us from achieving remarkable things when it's aligned with God's purposes.

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When we live in a culture where people's highlights are depicted as the norm, it's aligned with God's purposes.

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When we live in a culture where people's highlights are depicted as the norm, it's easy to leave a person feeling defeated or less than.

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Why are we living for others when we should ultimately be living for an audience of one?

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Why do we care more about what outfit to wear than which hearts that we're impacting?

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The digital age that we live in has provided us with limitless access to the highlights of other people's lives, and it skews our perception of normalcy and success.

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And as young people scroll through the images of perfection on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, they're often left feeling inferior.

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Now this phenomenon raises important questions about self-worth and the unhealthy pursuit of an unattainable ideal.

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But these feelings of inadequacy are not new.

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They've been addressed timelessly through Scripture, which advocates for an inward understanding of the value derived from being made in God's image.

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Why do we put ourselves down when we're made in the image of God?

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Genesis 127 says so God created man in his own image.

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Did you hear that You're made in the image of God?

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That is nothing short of extraordinary.

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All throughout the Bible, God uses ordinary people to do his extraordinary work.

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And God really takes it a little bit further.

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Not only does he use the ordinary, he uses the unlikely.

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Think about this.

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Moses had a stutter, yet he was called by God to lead his people to the promised land.

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Can you imagine the thoughts surging through Moses' head when God handpicked him to lead?

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There's no way that I can lead people.

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I can't even get out a full sentence without stuttering.

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No one's going to take me seriously.

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God must not know what he's doing, but by faith, moses used his platform and led his people out of Egypt because he was a great leader.

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Now imagine if he allowed his speech impediment to get in the way of what God really wanted him to do, what God called him to do, something we view as a flaw or a hindrance.

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God says I can use that.

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We just have to have faith and let him.

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Before becoming a king, david was a shepherd, a role unlikely to prepare somebody for royalty.

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But God saw, through his humble beginnings and his complex moral landscape, that David's life taught about God's forgiveness it did, and how our identity and destiny are not limited by our past actions.

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Oh, here's a good one, rahab.

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Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho.

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Her story is so compelling.

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She helped the Israelite spies.

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She played a crucial role in God's plan for Israel, despite her disreputable, disgusting status.

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Rahab's transformation from an outcast to a key feature in the lineage of Jesus Christ Matthew 1.5, feature in the lineage of Jesus Christ, matthew 1.5, exemplifies the redemptive power of faith in God's plan.

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What about Peter?

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Peter, let's face it, he denied Jesus three times.

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Peter's imperfections didn't hinder his later role as a foundational leader in the early church.

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His life reflects the theme of redemption and illustrates that failures are not final.

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When there's a genuine repentance and a commitment to God's mission, there's always going to be somebody better.

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There's always going to be somebody better equipped or more equipped than you.

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But that doesn't determine your worth and it sure doesn't determine whether or not God can use you.

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When we understand that our identity is in Christ and he created us to do incredible things.

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That changes everything.

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If you haven't heard my episode on our identity in Christ it's episode number two, way back from October of last year.

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You can stop listening to this one in just a minute because it'll be over soon.

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Go back and listen to episode two on your identity in Christ and then, if you want, listen to them all over again, or listen to them all for the first time.

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There's good stuff in there.

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You have talents and God's gifts that the world needs and, like a five-year-old said at the church the other day, god made me special.

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He's right, god made you special.

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That's it for this bonus episode, and I appreciate you listening.

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If you'd like to get caught up in the back catalog, go to renewedmindsetscom.

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There you can find all the past episodes.

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We've got a blog post for just about every episode.

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You can leave me a message a good one on a voice message.

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I'll play it on the show in the future.

00:07:44.002 --> 00:07:45.879
You know I will.

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Don't forget to check out my second podcast at wisdomforthedayorg, a daily podcast five minutes long on the wisdom of Proverbs.

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Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for the next Renewed Mindsets drop.

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I'm Rick.

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I love you, see ya.