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Renewed Mindsets

Day 8 The Value of Wisdom | Proverbs 2:1-5

The search for wisdom

We must greatly desire wisdom. We must listen to it. We must desire it. We must ask questions, so that we can learn more. We must hunt for wisdom, like someone who searches for gold.

Psalm 42:1 is similar. ‘My spirit needs God like a deer (wild animal) needs the streams of water.’ The animal searches for water. We also must search for wisdom.

Also see Job 28. A man digs deep into the earth. He breaks through the rock. He enters places that no animal has seen. He finds gold and silver. He discovers many things. However, he cannot find wisdom there. Wisdom is not in the deep sea. You cannot buy wisdom - not even with gold. ‘Respect God! This is true wisdom. Refuse to do evil things! This is true intelligence.’ (Job 28:28)

Verses 5-8

The reward of wisdom

If we respect God, then we shall become wise. God gives his wisdom to us. We are his people, and he guards us. He defends us, and he protects us
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