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The world is changing and time is running out.
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This is Renewed Mindsets, where we confront Biblical truth head-on no sugarcoating, no compromise.
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We expose false doctrine, reveal fulfilled prophecy and shine light on the demonic deception of these last days, but we also stand firm on the hope of Christ's return, the call to holiness and the urgency of true salvation.
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It's time to renew your mind, for the time is now.
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Let's go, boys.
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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets.
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I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here Today.
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I'm tackling a serious issue the lack of power in the modern church.
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Why do we rarely see the supernatural works that Jesus promised?
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Why is casting out demons considered radical, when it was a normal part of Jesus' ministry?
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Why do we talk about healing but rarely see it?
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The truth is, many churches today operate most churches today operate without the Holy Spirit's power.
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Yeah, they rely on intellect.
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Yeah, they rely on intellect entertainment, the human effort rather than the anointing of God.
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But the Bible is clear Without the Spirit there is no power.
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So if I've got your attention, stick with me because I'm diving into what's wrong, how we got here and what has to change before Christ's return.
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We got here and what has to change before Christ's return.
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Now let's start with what Jesus himself said about his followers.
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In Mark, chapter 16, verses 17 and 18, jesus made a bold promise.
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He said and these signs will follow those who believe In my name.
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They will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will lay.
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This wasn't a suggestion.
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It's a mark of true believers.
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Casting out demons, healing the sick and moving in supernatural power were supposed to be normal for the church.
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In the book of Acts, we see these signs in action.
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In Acts, chapter 3, peter and John heal the cripple man at the temple.
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In Acts, chapter 8, philip goes to Samaria.
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He casts out demons and he heals the sick, and it results in great joy in the city.
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And in Acts, chapter 16, paul commands a demon to leave a girl, setting her free from spiritual bondage.
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This was not just limited to the apostles, though.
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The early church walked in power because they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
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So what happened?
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Where did the power go?
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Well, first, the church has substituted the Holy Spirit for human wisdom.
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Many churches today are more focused on theological debates, entertainment-driven services and self-help messages, rather than seeking the raw power of God.
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Paul warned about this in 1 Corinthians 2, verses 4 and 5.
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My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
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So today we rely more on human wisdom than the Spirit's power.
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We've made Christianity about knowing Scripture instead of living it out in power.
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The church has rejected deliverance and healing.
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Yeah, some churches, some denominations, openly reject deliverance ministry, calling it too extreme or unnecessary, and others claim that healing ended with the apostles.
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But Jesus himself said in John 14, 12, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do because I go to my Father.
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God didn't change, we did.
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Many believers are spiritually lukewarm.
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I should probably add most believers are spiritually lukewarm.
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Revelation 3.16 gives a chilling warning.
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So then, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.
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Oh, that verse hurts.
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Lukewarm Christianity is comfortable, powerless and compromised.
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The devil doesn't fear a church that has great music, great buildings and great programs.
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He fears a church filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
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So what are some signs of a powerless church.
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How do you know if your church has lost the Spirit's power?
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Here's some clear signs.
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There's no deliverance ministry.
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Yeah, if demons are comfortable in your church, something's wrong.
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There's no healing or miracles.
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Jesus healed as proof of the kingdom.
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Why don't we?
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Jesus healed as proof of the kingdom, why don't we?
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There's more entertainment than prayer.
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Services feel more like concerts than encounters with God.
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There's no conviction of sin.
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If people leave feeling entertained but not changed, the Holy Spirit isn't moving.
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That church has leaders who fear man more than God, preachers who are afraid to preach the truth because it might offend somebody.
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Now, this isn't to bash the church, any particular church.
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It's a wake-up call.
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It's a wake-up call.
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What must change If we want to see the power of God return?
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We must return to true Christianity.
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First we've got to repent and seek holiness.
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The Holy Spirit doesn't dwell where sin is embraced.
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We need holiness, not worldliness.
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We need to return to fasting and prayer.
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Jesus said in Mark 9, 29,.
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This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
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Want power?
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Then seek God like never before.
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Preach the full gospel, not just love and grace, but repentance and deliverance and power.
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Jesus cast out demons everywhere he went.
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Why isn't the church doing the same?
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We need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, acts 1, verse 8,.
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But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
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Many believers think they're saved, but they're not empowered.
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We need to walk in faith and not fear.
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Miracles happen where faith is present.
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Jesus never said try to heal the sick.
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He said heal them.
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That means to take authority in Jesus' name.
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Listen, people.
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Jesus is returning and he's returning soon.
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The days of a powerless Christianity must end.
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Jesus is coming back for a church full of fire, not a church full of compromise.
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So I ask you do you want to walk in power?
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Will you seek God until fire falls?
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Will you fast and pray until the strongholds break?
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Will you stand for truth, even if it costs you?
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Because the world doesn't need more weak churches.
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It needs the remnant, a people filled with the Holy Spirit, casting out demons, healing the sick and preaching the full gospel without an apology, amen.
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Are you ready?
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That's all for today, but I'll be back with more unfiltered biblical truth and undeniable prophecy.
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The time to wake up is now.
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If today's episode challenged you, don't keep it to yourself.
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Tell someone, please.
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Text them a link.
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Share the truth while there's still time, visit RenewedMindsetscom to stay connected and to listen to past episodes, and check out our merch at renewedmindsetsstore.
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Jesus is coming soon.
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Stay watchful, stay holy, stay renewed Until next week.
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I'm Rick, be an encourager, not a discourager.
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I love you, see ya.
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The intro and outro music for the Renewed Mindsets podcast is Are you Ready?
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By Floodgate From the album Are you Ready?
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Copyright 2002, offbeat Ministries Incorporated.
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Floodgate can be found on Apple Music and iTunes Music used with permission.