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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets, bringing you God's truth from a Gen X perspective, with a mix of humor and a dash of nostalgia.
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Remember when life was simpler and all we needed was a good mixtape?
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Well, we're here to make your spiritual playlist even better.
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Join us as we explore scripture, laugh a little and rediscover the power of a renewed mindset.
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Don't conform, transform.
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Welcome back to Renewed Mindsets.
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I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here Today.
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I'm going to jump into something that's powerful and timely.
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It's the prophecies concerning the second coming of Jesus, what's been fulfilled and what it means for us today.
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Now, jesus told his disciples in Matthew 24-36, but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
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Yet he also gave us signs to watch for, signs that would indicate his return is drawing near.
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So let's explore some of these prophecies and see how they're being fulfilled in our time.
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Now, the first thing we're going to kind of hit on is the increase in knowledge.
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Now, the first thing we're going to kind of hit on is the increase in knowledge.
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In Daniel 12 4, it says many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase.
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Now think about the incredible advancements in travel, from horses and carts to airplanes and rockets.
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And knowledge has exploded.
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We carry entire libraries in our pockets with our smartphone.
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In just the past hundred years, we've gone from basic, rudimentary automobiles to self-driving cars, and from handwritten letters to instant global communication through video calls, to instant global communication through video calls.
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The rapid growth in fields like artificial intelligence and medicine and space exploration aligns precisely with Daniel's prophecy.
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Another one is global evangelism.
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In Matthew 24, 14, jesus said this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
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Technology has made this possible like never before.
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Through radio and television, social media podcasts like this one, the word of God is reaching even the most remote corners of the earth, and there's organizations like the Wycliffe Bible Translators.
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They're tirelessly working to translate Scripture into every language, ensuring that no people group is left unreached left unreached.
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The growth of online ministries and church services that are live-streamed has expanded access to the gospel so far beyond traditional boundaries.
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I know you've been hearing that one for years, even the one before it.
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Here's one that a lot of people just refuse to hear.
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It's the rebirth of Israel, now one of the most significant prophecies has already been fulfilled.
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In Ezekiel 37, there's a prophecy with the vision of the dry bones coming to life.
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Right, the Bible indicated that Israel would be regathered from all nations.
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The Bible indicated that Israel would be regathered from all nations, a reality that we've witnessed in modern history.
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Yeah, isaiah 66.8 says Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?
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Well, on May 14, 1948, that prophecy came true, as Israel declared independence and the Jewish people returned to their homeland.
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Yeah, that's been happening.
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We're going to talk more about that date later.
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Well, now let's talk about moral decline and lawlessness.
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In 2 Timothy 3, 1-5, paul described the last days as a time when people would be lovers of themselves, disobedient to parents, without self-control, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
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Sadly, we see these behaviors normalized in our culture today, from the breakdown of traditional family values to the glorification of immorality and entertainment.
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The world is witnessing an erosion of biblical principles.
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Now, this moral decline was foretold as a hallmark of the end times.
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Then you got wars, famines and earthquakes.
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Jesus warned in Matthew 24, 6 and 7 of wars, famines and earthquakes.
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In various places, natural disasters are occurring with greater frequency and intensity.
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Wars and conflicts are consistently making headlines.
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These signs remind us to stay vigilant.
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These signs remind us to stay vigilant and, according to data from geological surveys, no-transcript Global conflicts continue to dominate international news.
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Here's a big one that's happening.
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If you're watching the news, if you're paying attention.
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The Bible predicts that a third temple will be built in Jerusalem.
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You can see that in Daniel 9.27, matthew 24.15, and 2 Thessalonians 2-4, chapter 2, verse 4.
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Now this temple is necessary for the fulfillment of all end-time events, including the appearance of the Antichrist.
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Who's going to desecrate it Now?
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In recent years, preparations have intensified.
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The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has already crafted most of the sacred items required for temple worship, and discussions about the temple's reconstruction are going on.
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Right now they're preparing to make sacrifices on the altar.
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The altar's done.
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Another one, of course.
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It's a rise in one world government and economy.
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Tell me you're watching the news now.
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Revelation 13 speaks of a time when the global authority Will control commerce and governance and the emergence of digital currencies.
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Global alliances, international governing bodies Are going to foreshadow this prophecy.
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The concept of a cashless society is no longer science fiction With the rise of central bank, digital currencies and biometric payment methods.
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The infrastructure for a unified global system is being laid.
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We just got a couple more.
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I know I'm not getting deep in these.
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I'm trying to give you some information.
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Another one persecution of Christians worldwide.
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Jesus warned in Matthew 24, then you will be handed over and be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations.
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Because of me, christian persecution has been intensifying, especially in parts of Asia and Africa and the Middle East.
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There's organizations like Open Doors that report that millions of believers face harassment and imprisonment and even martyrdom for their faith every year.
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This is the one we need to listen to and this is something that we're going to talk more about in future episodes.
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The emergence of the Laodicean church.
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Revelation 3, 14, 22 describes the Laodicean church as lukewarm, neither hot nor cold church, as lukewarm, neither hot nor cold.
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Now many scholars associate the rise of this church age with events in 1967, particularly after the Six-Day War, when Jerusalem was recaptured.
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This event marked a significant shift in the global Christianity, with many churches becoming more focused on comfort and material prosperity than on spiritual truth.
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The church of an opinion, yeah, and comfort and prosperity.
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Does that sound familiar?
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Jesus warns in Revelation 3.16,.
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So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I'm about to spit you out of my mouth.
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The rise of the prosperity, gospel teachings, spiritual apathy, doctrinal compromise they're characteristics that we see today, just as Scripture foretold.
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So what do we do with this knowledge?
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Jesus gave us these signs not to cause fear, but to spur us into faith and action.
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Luke 21-28 says when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because redemption is drawing near.
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We need to commit to living each day with urgency, not in anxiety, but in a deep, abiding trust in the Lord.
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We need to share the gospel, we need to love one another and we need to stay rooted in God's word.
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Jesus is coming soon, people.
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The end is near Now.
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This episode that we just listened to.
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It's got good information.
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It's good for reflection and anticipation, but it's also one of transition.
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For the past year and a half, this podcast has been a place where we Friends, family, gen X believers have explored scripture through a nostalgic lens.
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We've reminisced on the faith that we grew up with, while applying biblical wisdom for our lives.
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Today, we've renewed our mindsets.
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But, after much prayer and seeking the Lord, I believe that it's time for renewed mindsets to take a new direction.
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The world around us is shifting and, as followers of Christ, we've got to be watchful and discerning.
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That's why I'm going to refocus this podcast on one of the most urgent and relevant topics of our time end times prophecy and the return of Jesus Christ.
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Now, first off, I'm not abandoning you, my listeners.
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I need to take a moment and thank each and every one of you.
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You've been on this journey with me since the beginning.
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Your support, your prayers, your encouragement over the past year and a half have been incredible, whether you've been listening from the very beginning or you just started listening recently.
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I really appreciate you.
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My goal has always been to renew your mind, renew our mind with the Word of God, and that mission remains unchanged.
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But right now, we're living in times that demand spiritual attention.
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Signs of biblical prophecy are unfolding before our eyes and the return of Christ is closer than ever.
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Now, as believers, we can't afford to be unprepared.
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Jesus himself told us to be watchful and ready Matthew 24, 42.
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This podcast will now focus on helping you understand biblical prophecy, discern the times and, most importantly, prepare your heart and your life for eternity.
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What are you going to expect from renewed mindsets from now on?
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Well, I'm going to take and you know I hate this phrase, but we're going to do deep dives, deep dives into end times prophecy Prophecies that are found in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, and the words of Jesus.
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You can expect discussions on current events through the lens of biblical prophecy.
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You can expect more encouragement from me, an exhortation to live with the urgency and faithfulness that we need for this time, and practical ways to prepare spiritually for the return of Christ.
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I want to invite you to continue listening.
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I know change can be challenging, change sucks, but I believe this new direction is not just a shift.
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It's a divine assignment, and if you've ever wondered about the times we're living in or how to be ready for Christ's return, this podcast is for you.
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I invite you to stay with me, to engage in these discussions on our website at renewedmindsetscom and on Facebook at Renewed Mindsets, and, most importantly, to prepare your hearts for eternity.
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I want to thank you for being part of Renewed Mindsets.
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We're entering a new season and I believe God is going to use this podcast to awaken hearts and strengthen faith and draw us closer to Him, and draw us closer to Him.
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So until next time, stay rooted in the Word, stay watchful and keep your mind renewed on Christ.
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If this new focus resonates with you, I want you to share this episode with somebody who needs to hear it.
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Subscribe so you don't miss out on any upcoming discussions, and let's walk this journey together, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
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God bless you.
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Well, that's all for this week's show.
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You know the name of this show speaks my hope for you.
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It's taken from the words of Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.
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Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that, by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
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If you enjoyed what you heard, do me a favor, please, and tell someone you know about it.
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Send them a link in a text you know you may even need to download it to their phone and show them what a podcast is.
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If it was valuable to you, it will be to them.
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Visit renewedmindsetscom to hear past episodes, read the blog and check out the new merch.
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And, as always, while you're there, send me a voicemail by clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the main page.
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Tell me what you think about this show.
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I just might play it on a future episode.
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Until next week, I'm Rick.
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I love you, see ya.
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The intro and outro music for the Renewed Mindsets podcast is Are you Ready by Floodgate, see ya.