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Renewed Mindsets
Aug. 7, 2024

Self Doubt: Find Strength in God's Promises

God's Promises

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Can God's promises truly overcome our deepest fears and excuses? Join us on this compelling episode of Renewed Mindsets as we explore the transformative journey of the prophet Jeremiah, who grappled with self-doubt and resistance before embracing his divine calling. We'll uncover the stark differences between the unpredictable life of a prophet and the structured role of a priest, shedding light on how God's assurances can provide us with the strength and purpose to overcome our feelings of inadequacy. Through personal stories and scriptural insights, we'll see how letting go of our own plans and wholeheartedly accepting God's purpose can lead to a life free from fear and full of divine fulfillment.

In our second segment, we dive into the heart of answering God's call through building strong, authentic relationships. I'll share my personal struggles with self-doubt and the revelation that God uses us exactly as we are, imperfections and all. We'll dive into practical steps for nurturing our relationship with God and others—steps like consistent prayer, understanding our motivations, and praising God in all circumstances. By following these principles, you'll learn how to overcome self-doubt and find joy in your divine assignment. To wrap things up, we invite you to reflect on your spiritual journey and join the Renewed Mindsets community for ongoing support and enriching conversations.

Visit the Renewed Mindsets Website and let us know what we can do to improve the show and also, tell me how the podcast has affected your life .. your spiritual walk...etc

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Your continued support ensures that God's message to the podcast world will continue to be available for everyone. And know, 50% of all funding will be used as an offering to my local church. The rest will help supplement the cost of providing a quality show ie. equipment, bandwidth fees, Tylenol etc. HA!

The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:01 - God's Promises Overcome Our Excuses

22:19 - Answering God's Call Through Relationship

30:19 - Engage With Renewed Mindsets Podcast



00:00:01.943 --> 00:00:03.567
Coming up on Renewed Mindsets.

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We are skillful at the art of making excuses, aren't we?

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I don't know how.

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I didn't understand.

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I couldn't find the right tools.

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The voices told me to clean all the guns.

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Today, the hazmat crew is here and won't let me out of the house.

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And my all-time favorite I can't come to work.

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This morning I accidentally took two Ex-Lacs in addition to my Xanax.

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I can't get off the toilet, but I feel good about it.

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What does God say about our excuses?

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You'll like this, I promise.

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Let's go, boys.

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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets, the totally awesome podcast for Gen Xers who are ready to bust a move with the hand we were dealt.

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I'm Rick, and if you're feeling discontent with the way life has turned out, well, we're the goonies you're looking for.

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We're here to guide you in purging what you think you know, breaking free from conforming to this world and transforming your mind into the Christ-centered powerhouse.

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It was destined to be Calm that mullet and grab a can of new Coke.

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It's time to get radical, dude.

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I'm so glad you're here.

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You know, in the Christian world, we can find all sorts of excuses not to obey God's voice.

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It's a preacher's job.

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It's not my gift.

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I've already served, let somebody else do it.

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I'm too busy or too tired, or too old or too young, ben Franklin said.

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He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

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Now Jeremiah had every excuse ready when God called him to be a prophet.

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His excuses are often our excuses for not heeding God's voice when he calls Now.

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Countering each excuse was a promise from God, and we'll be.

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In Jeremiah, chapter 1, starting at about verse 5.

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Now Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations, not a priest like his father and grandfather.

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A prophet was chosen and authorized to be a spokesman for God.

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He declared God's word to the people.

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Now we a lot of times think of prophets as people who can tell the future, but a prophet spoke messages to the present that had future ramifications.

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Prophets were really foretellers.

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More than they were foretellers, they exposed people's sins and they called them back to their covenant responsibilities before God.

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But being a prophet was much more demanding than serving as a priest.

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The priest duties were pretty predictable.

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Everything was written down in the law.

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The prophet never knew from day to day what the Lord would call him to say or do.

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The priest worked really to preserve the past.

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The prophet worked to change the present so that the nation would have a future.

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Priests dealt with externals, like rituals and sacrifices and offerings, but the prophet tried to reach and change hearts.

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The priests ministered to individuals with various needs, but the prophets addressed whole nations and usually the people that they talked to didn't want to hear the message.

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Priests belonged to a special tribe and they had authority and respect, but a prophet could come from any tribe and he had to prove that his call was from God.

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Priests were supported from the sacrifices and the offerings of the people, but prophets they had no guaranteed income.

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Prophets were the podcasters of the ancient times.

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Jesus was called to be a prophet.

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He traveled from place to place, challenging the people to change so that their future in heaven would be guaranteed.

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Jesus spoke to the hearts of people, but most people that he talked to didn't accept that message of repentance because they didn't want to change.

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But God had a promise.

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Remember I said for all excuses, there's a promise.

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God may assign you a demanding task.

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He might call you to something that you think you can't handle, but his call keeps us going.

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When we don't want to go and we're ready to quit, we have the promise of God's purpose, jeremiah 1, verse 5,.

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It says I knew you before.

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I formed you in your mother's womb, before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.

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Now the verb knew K-N-E-W it has much more meaning than simply being aware of something.

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It carries the idea of recognition of the worth and the purpose of the person who's known.

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God knew Jeremiah, he chose known God knew Jeremiah.

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He chose Jeremiah, he appointed Jeremiah.

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He was known by name and he was handpicked by God and commissioned to serve.

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Those acts give you a great sense of purpose.

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The promise of God's purpose allows us to let go of our own plans and to receive God's plan without fear.

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And, just like Jeremiah and Jesus, we need to accept that our future is not our own.

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We are God's and he has a distinct plan and a purpose for our lives.

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Now, moving on to verse 6, jeremiah said Now, moving on to verse 6, jeremiah said oh, no, lord, look, god, I don't know how to speak since I'm only a youth.

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Now, jeremiah felt inadequate as a public speaker.

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Now, if you look back, by the way, moses said the same thing in Exodus 4, verse 10.

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When I was first called to preach, even I didn't believe it.

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I mean, who am I?

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When I told my pastor I was called to preach, he didn't necessarily feel that God had a wrong number, but he was concerned that I might have had a poor connection.

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Now, right after I studied and prepared this message for you, a friend of mine at church was informed by our pastors that he was to be a deacon.

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Now he protested Of course he did, and he voiced it to me.

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And it blew me away that here was my friend with the same excuses as Jeremiah.

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I quoted those verses to him and I told him to go look for God's promises.

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In Scripture, god has a way to overcome weakness and overcome our insufficiencies.

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Doesn't he sufficiencies, doesn't he?

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I've learned over the years that people who are aware of their own inadequacy are usually the people that are most dependent on God's sufficiency.

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In other words, the people that think that they can't do it are usually the ones that latch on to God and allow him to do it anyway.

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My inadequacy caused me to rely on God.

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My friend's concerns caused him to seek God for confirmation.

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God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.

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His glory is manifested through your flaws.

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His promise is that our talent might appear inadequate, but God always equips those people that he calls.

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We got the promise of God's provision.

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Jeremiah, my friend, me, we all worried about what we were going to say and do, but God has a promise, jeremiah 1.9,.

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Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and told me I have now filled your mouth with my words.

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The touch wasn't so much about purity and to purify him as it was to inspire him and empower him.

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It was symbolic of the gift of prophecy that God bestowed on Jeremiah.

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Jesus experienced this touch in a visible way too, when he got baptized.

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Immediately coming out of the water, the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended on him like a dove, and God spoke this is my beloved son, take delight in him.

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Matthew 3.17.

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God blesses not the silver-tongued orator, but the one whose tongue has been touched with coals from the altar.

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God uses not the most gifted.

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He doesn't use the most talented people, but he uses the ones that are touched by the hand of God, the most unlikely people to shake a church or a community or a nation.

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Never, ever, underestimate the power of God's touch, never.

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Now, jeremiah, he was full of excuses.

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Remember he said in verse 6, I'm only a youth.

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Now that word youth unfortunately in some versions of the Bible it's written as child, but really it denotes more of a young person, an unmarried man, in his teens or early 20s.

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Now most scholars think that Jeremiah was somewhere between 20 and 25 at the time of his call, was somewhere between 20 and 25 at the time of his call.

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So his reply is not so much revealing his age as it is his deep sense of immaturity.

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He felt inferior.

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He felt inexperienced.

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He felt intimidated by the size of the task that God was calling him to.

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But God had a promise.

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God's call might come at an inopportune time, but he never sends his people out alone.

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He never sends his servants out alone.

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We have the promise of God's presence no-transcript.

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Now you've got to look at the condition in this promise.

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Before Jeremiah could experience God's presence, he had to go where God sent him.

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He had to say what God told him to say and reject fear.

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Somebody once said that when God calls us to a task, he doesn't give us a roadmap to follow and then leave us to our own resources.

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God walks with us.

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His presence gives us the strength to stand in the face of every single assault.

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Jesus felt that same presence.

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He and the Father were one.

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He could go on because God walked with him.

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Now, what a difference it makes to know that when we're being sent out, someone is going with us.

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We know we don't have to walk that lonely road by ourselves, but we've got a traveling companion.

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Now, even through it all, the Lord didn't give Jeremiah a joyful message of deliverance to announce.

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God gave him a tragic message of judgment.

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If you go on to read Jeremiah man, he would be misunderstood, persecuted, arrested, imprisoned.

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More than once his life was threatened.

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The people didn't want to hear the truth.

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They didn't want to hear anything Jeremiah said, and he told them plainly that they were defying the Lord and disobeying the law and destined for judgment.

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And God used an image of a boiling pot to communicate his coming wrath In verse 13,.

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Again, the word of the Lord came to me inquiring what do you see?

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And I replied I see a boiling pot.

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It's lip tilted from the north to the south.

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Now, back then, jewish homes would have a big, wide-mouthed washing pot or cooking pot.

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The unusual thing about the pot that Jeremiah saw in this vision was that it wasn't level.

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It was tilted away from the north.

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The pot, at any moment, could spew its boiling contents out towards the south, scalding the people of Judah.

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The pot represented the nation of Babylon that would invade and conquer Israel.

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The reason for the judgment was Israel's idolatry and rebellion against God's righteous will.

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Now, jesus' teaching contained mercy and judgment, and grace and punishment.

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His teachings were dangerous too.

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Really, it was his teaching that cost him his life, but God had a promise.

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What God says through us might be dangerous, but when God gives us that call, he gives us the strength to endure.

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We have the promise of God prevailing Today.

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I am the one who has made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and bronze walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the population.

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Now notice the architectural terms there A fortified city, an iron pillar, bronze walls.

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They are solid and unshakable, just like the God who conceived them and the prophet that they would come to characterize.

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God reassured Jeremiah attack you, they will overcome you.

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They can't.

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The person who stands with God will prevail.

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Somebody once said one with God is a majority.

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Alone we're helpless, but with God we prevail, and we all have more excuses.

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God was expecting immediate action from Jeremiah, and I'm sure Jeremiah's like do I have to go now?

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God said now get ready, stand up and tell them everything that I command you Verse 17.

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In Jeremiah's day, men had to wear their loose robes, together with a belt, in order to run or to work.

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For obvious reasons, jeremiah was in for a struggle.

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He had to fight and he had a fight on his hands.

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So the phrase dress yourself for work or, in the New King James Version, gird up your loins, it was a metaphor that meant get ready for action.

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Today we'd say roll up your sleeves.

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God called Jeremiah to act.

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He was called to move out among the people.

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He was called to deliver an offensive message and he would not be welcomed or accepted.

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Matter of fact, he was going to anger the people that heard him.

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But God had a promise.

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Yeah, god expects obedience immediately.

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If we don't, we're in danger of God's wrath.

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We have the promise of God's power.

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God said do not be intimidated by them or I'll cause you to cower before them.

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Verse 17,.

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Immediate obedience is the only appropriate response when God calls you Now.

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Jesus obeyed.

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Whatever you think of Jesus, remember this His heart was a willing and obedient heart.

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He always did what the Father directed.

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There was no hesitation, no questioning, no circumventing, just immediate action.

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So let me ask you has God called you?

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Then he's going to fulfill his purpose in you.

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He's going to equip you, he'll enable you, he'll protect you and he'll accompany you.

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Are you obeying his commands?

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Then he is with you to protect you.

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Are you sharing the word?

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Then he will accomplish his purposes, no matter how the people respond.

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00:17:26.799 --> 00:17:28.967
In a fast-paced world, with noise and distractions, it can be hard to find moments of peace and clarity.

00:17:28.967 --> 00:17:40.042
But what if you could start your day with a moment of wisdom and reflection, introducing Wisdom for the Day, a short daily podcast dedicated to sharing godly wisdom from the book of Proverbs?

00:17:40.042 --> 00:17:46.666
In just a few minutes each day, you can start your morning with insights and guidance that will uplift and inspire you.

00:17:46.666 --> 00:17:55.948
Imagine in just one year you'll have learned the entire book of Proverbs, giving you a foundation of wisdom to carry with you for a lifetime.

00:17:55.948 --> 00:17:58.929
So why not start your day the right way?

00:17:58.929 --> 00:18:10.801
Subscribe to Wisdom for the Day now and begin your journey towards a life filled with godly wisdom, available at wisdomforthedayorg and wherever you get your podcasts.

00:18:10.801 --> 00:18:15.472
Wisdom for the Day, because a little wisdom goes a long way.

00:18:20.521 --> 00:18:22.669
Have you ever thought about God's call on your life?

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Does the prospect of God using you seem so intimidating that you can't possibly see it working out right?

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Are you still contemplating how you would even pull it off what he has put in your heart?

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I can tell you, years ago I was in your shoes.

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I clearly heard from God you're going to preach, but the details weren't really revealed at that time.

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He just gave me just enough to know that what he was speaking to me was his assignment for me.

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It wasn't for my friends, it wasn't for my family, it wasn't for my neighbor, just dumb old Rick.

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I was filled with self-doubt, but my doubts didn't surround what God could do.

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Rather, they were a reflection of my inability to conceive how I'd ever carry it out.

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I mean, if you look at my background, I was in the Navy.

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The Navy, I mean, I knew how to talk to people.

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I was a ham radio operator.

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Probably five people in the world that ever listened to anything that I had to say.

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I didn't have a degree in theology.

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Even now, 30 years later, there's still scriptures that I have a hard time understanding.

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So why would a big, powerful God use a mixed-up person like me to carry out something really important in his name?

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Simply put, it's a relationship.

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God is all about relationship and we were created for relationship with God and for other people.

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And that doesn't occur in isolation.

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It's a gift, it's a give and take, a back and forth, an exchange of thoughts, feelings and actions.

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Thoughts, feelings and actions.

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When strong, healthy relationships are in place us and God and us and others big things happen.

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Our relationships are the vehicle that God uses to help us fulfill the calling on our life.

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Everybody has their own specific and unique way to contribute to that call, but our joint efforts to help carry out the overall calling that God has given the followers of Christ.

00:20:49.441 --> 00:21:07.096
It says Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, help the people learn of me, believe in me and obey my words, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, matthew 28, 19.

00:21:09.089 --> 00:21:15.653
I hope some of the pieces of this puzzle are starting to fall into place for you when you're considering all this.

00:21:15.653 --> 00:21:17.218
Just look at the.

00:21:17.218 --> 00:21:21.493
I got a few practical ways that you can answer God's call on your life.

00:21:21.493 --> 00:21:23.698
First, love God.

00:21:23.698 --> 00:21:29.951
We can't be so disconnected from God and expect anything to happen.

00:21:29.951 --> 00:21:35.019
So the first thing that we got to do is check in on our relationship with God.

00:21:35.019 --> 00:21:39.026
Matthew 22, 37.

00:21:39.026 --> 00:21:44.380
You must love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.

00:21:44.380 --> 00:21:57.319
Yeah, the second if you want God to provide further details on your assignment over time, there has to be an ongoing dialogue with him.

00:21:57.319 --> 00:22:01.532
You need to pray consistently.

00:22:01.532 --> 00:22:05.239
I mean, that's what prayer is all about Never stop praying.

00:22:05.239 --> 00:22:08.105
1 Thessalonians 5.17.

00:22:10.691 --> 00:22:13.755
Another one know why we do what we do.

00:22:13.755 --> 00:22:18.623
Several times in the Bible we're commanded to love.

00:22:18.623 --> 00:22:24.118
Love our neighbors, love our enemies, simply love each other.

00:22:24.118 --> 00:22:32.934
And we can only do this in the context of these words written by John we love each other because he loved us first.

00:22:32.934 --> 00:22:35.037
1 John 4.19.

00:22:35.037 --> 00:22:35.978
It's simple us first.

00:22:35.978 --> 00:22:36.439
1 John 4.19.

00:22:36.439 --> 00:22:36.959
It's simple.

00:22:36.959 --> 00:22:43.486
Another one be brave when we go all out in Jesus' name.

00:22:43.486 --> 00:22:53.415
We never go out alone, and one of the most gracious things that the Lord does for us in Scripture is to remind us over and over not to be afraid.

00:22:53.436 --> 00:22:58.744
Now, my favorite go-to verse when I feel dread creeping in is 2 Timothy 1.7.

00:22:58.744 --> 00:23:06.084
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.

00:23:06.084 --> 00:23:11.240
And finally, praise God.

00:23:11.240 --> 00:23:15.019
Praise Him for the end result, even if you can't see it.

00:23:15.019 --> 00:23:29.180
We don't always get to see the immediate result of our work for Christ, but we can count on our efforts contributing to his overall plan and that his will will be done.

00:23:29.180 --> 00:23:37.338
With all my heart I will praise you, o Lord, my God, I will give glory to your name forever.

00:23:37.338 --> 00:23:39.856
Psalm 86, 12.

00:23:42.852 --> 00:23:44.377
Were you expecting something different here?

00:23:44.377 --> 00:23:49.199
Maybe something a little more proper and scholarly?

00:23:49.199 --> 00:23:52.957
Nope, it really isn't necessary.

00:23:52.957 --> 00:24:03.675
And one thing we need to remember is God simply asked that we do, and when we obey his instructions, he does all the heavy lifting.

00:24:03.675 --> 00:24:07.243
None of us can change another person's heart.

00:24:07.243 --> 00:24:10.453
Only Jesus can do that.

00:24:10.453 --> 00:24:14.542
Just praise God that we get to be a part of the process.

00:24:14.542 --> 00:24:20.444
God, that we get to be a part of the process.

00:24:20.851 --> 00:24:22.433
Did you hear that?

00:24:22.433 --> 00:24:24.758
I just reflected what I heard back from all of y'all.

00:24:24.758 --> 00:24:26.741
It's that sigh of relief.

00:24:26.741 --> 00:24:31.704
That's great.

00:24:31.704 --> 00:24:41.241
I hope the weight of the world has been removed from your shoulders and that you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get busy, because no doubt there's a lot of work to do and a short time to do it.

00:24:41.241 --> 00:24:47.021
We've got a long way to go, but a short time to get there.

00:24:47.021 --> 00:24:49.938
I don't know why that popped into my head.

00:24:49.938 --> 00:25:02.233
We got to take these few easy steps Love God, pray consistently, remember why we do what we do, be brave and praise him for the end result.

00:25:02.233 --> 00:25:05.722
Do that and the work goes a whole lot smoother.

00:25:07.750 --> 00:25:14.443
Now I would love to hear from you what did you hear today that blessed you?

00:25:14.443 --> 00:25:19.681
What area do you need to work on so that the load seems lighter?

00:25:19.681 --> 00:25:29.217
Just contact me at renewedmindsetscom there's a button that says contact.

00:25:29.217 --> 00:25:30.220
Just send me a message.

00:25:30.220 --> 00:25:32.797
I'd love to talk to you about it.

00:25:32.797 --> 00:25:36.837
Well, that's all for this week's show.

00:25:36.837 --> 00:25:41.491
You know the name of this show speaks my hope for you.

00:25:41.491 --> 00:25:44.478
It's taken from the words of Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.

00:25:44.478 --> 00:25:58.786
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

00:25:58.786 --> 00:26:06.196
If you enjoyed what you heard, do me a favor, please, and tell someone you know about it.

00:26:06.196 --> 00:26:17.596
Send them a link in a text you know you may even need to download it to their phone and show them what a podcast is, if it was valuable to you, it will be to them.

00:26:20.151 --> 00:26:33.855
Visit renewedmindsetscom to hear past episodes, read the blog and check out the new merch and, as always while you're there, send me a voicemail by clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the main page.

00:26:33.855 --> 00:26:36.596
Tell me what you think about this show.

00:26:36.596 --> 00:26:49.065
I just might play it on a future episode.

00:26:49.065 --> 00:26:51.348
Until next week.

00:26:51.348 --> 00:26:51.568
I'm rick.

00:26:51.568 --> 00:26:51.829
I love you.

00:26:51.829 --> 00:27:01.242
Are you ready to go See ya?

00:27:01.242 --> 00:27:06.007
The intro and outro music for the Renewed Mindsets podcast is Are you Ready?

00:27:06.007 --> 00:27:08.678
By Floodgate From the album Are you Ready?

00:27:08.678 --> 00:27:13.381
Copyright 2002, offbeat Ministries Incorporated.

00:27:13.381 --> 00:27:17.839
Floodgate can be found on Apple Music and iTunes.

00:27:17.839 --> 00:27:20.576
Music used with permission.

00:27:20.576 --> 00:27:26.492
Mommy, wow, I'm a big kid now.