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Renewed Mindsets
Jan. 29, 2025

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Peace in God

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Peace in God

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What does it truly mean to be born again? Join me on a heartfelt journey as I recount my own transformation from a superficial understanding of Christianity to experiencing profound change through a renewed mindset. Inspired by Romans 12:2, the episode is a candid exploration of moving beyond worldly conformity to embrace the Holy Spirit's guidance, resulting in genuine worship and an authentic relationship with God. I'll share personal stories of overcoming fears of unworthiness and finding true joy and peace, encouraging you to seek a mindset focused on serving God with sincerity and fervor.

Discover the transformative power of being born again as I reflect on past experiences in a rigid church environment and contrast them with the vibrant, spirit-led worship that now shapes my faith journey. Through personal struggles with heartbreak and coping mechanisms, I illustrate how turning to God provides genuine comfort and hope beyond temporary relief. Listen as I highlight biblical examples like Job to demonstrate the strength and resilience found in trusting God amidst life's challenges. This episode is a call to surrender control, embrace spiritual freedom, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life toward a renewed, fulfilling relationship with God.

Wisdom for the Day: Everyday podcast.

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Renewed Mindsets can be found on Facebook, Twitter (X), Threads and Instagram as Renewed Mindsets. Our website is Leave a voicemail message, yellow microphone on every page, I might just use it on a future episode.

If you like what you hear then tell someone about the show.

Your continued support ensures that God's message to the podcast world will continue to be available for everyone. And know, 50% of all funding will be used as an offering to my local church. The rest will help supplement the cost of providing a quality show ie. equipment, bandwidth fees, Tylenol etc. HA!

The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:24 - Understanding Being Born Again

07:33 - The Power of Being Born Again


00:00:04.947 --> 00:00:06.650
Coming up on Renewed Mindsets.

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Do you consider yourself born again?

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A lot of people do, but most don't act like they are.

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This week is part one of a Born Again two-parter where I will talk about what being born again means to me and my life.

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It's probably time I opened up to y'all.

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Anyway, let's go, boys.

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Hey, welcome to the Renewed Mindset Show.

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I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here.

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Born again it's such a major part of our faith, yet I'm finding that people have little concept of what it actually means.

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You'll hear me on a more personal level.

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I want you to hear what being born again does to a person, listen and see if being born again has had an impact on how you live.

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Let's go.

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You know I wanted to record this podcast from the box that's in your brain, or the box that most people think they have in their brain, of biblically sound experiences.

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I wanted to, but I really couldn't.

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I actually don't have as much experience in what true Christianity looks like as I should, considering how many years I've claimed it Now.

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I'm certain I know now more about the baptism of fire than ever before, more about deliverance, more about healing, and I don't underestimate the Holy Spirit, that still small voice inside me, that still small voice inside me, or the, as someone close to me once talked about, all the time, the unctions that direct us.

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I never really understood what the Holy Spirit was all about.

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When it comes down to me and I do mean way on down to where I am in the grand scheme of life, being a born-again Christian is something else, in addition to those exceptional things.

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I've learned here lately not to think it strange when someone runs an aisle at the church or prays in the Spirit in other tongues.

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I've learned not to judge the person who returns week after week to the altar, or to judge the person who returns week after week to the altar, or to judge that old lady saint that's laid out on the floor crying.

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I always thought it was emotionalism, just being caught up in the group experience, until I found myself singing a worship song I've heard a hundred times before.

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Only this time I really hear it, I sing it, and not just from my brain and my mouth, but also from my spirit.

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I feel that song and I sing it louder than ever have before, smiling and bawling like a teenage cheerleader whose team just lost the big game.

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But the difference is I'm unashamed, I'm not embarrassed, I'm not self-conscious, because who cares?

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Who knows?

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I'm in the presence of the Spirit of the Lord.

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I don't want to be anywhere else or be doing anything else.

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When I think about being a born-again Christian, I can't help think about what it's not or what I thought it was for years, the years that I sat watching others wondering why they had what I didn't have.

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Didn't have Not the things of this world, not money and cars and houses, but the things of God, peace and joy and love.

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I sat watching them, knowing that I was really unchanged by my decision to follow Christ.

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I sat there, embarrassed for them to find out who I really was, even becoming licensed and ordained, so scared that someone was going to call me out because they knew that I wasn't what I thought I was supposed to be.

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I had knowledge.

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I even had some wisdom supposed to be.

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I had knowledge, I even had some wisdom, but what I didn't have was a transformed mind, like Paul wrote about in Romans 12, verse 2.

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Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that, by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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That verse has been my verse for 25 years.

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I preached my first message on it back in the 90s and then many others after that.

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That has been my one desire to be transformed into a man after God's heart.

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But it didn't happen.

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I thought at first it was just supposed to be automatic, so I waited.

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No one could tell me how to make it happen.

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I was conformed to the world, but I didn't want to be.

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Did you catch that?

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Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

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Later in those years, I started coaching people, hoping by helping others my mind would be transformed, and I used that verse in the business name Renewed Mindsets.

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It was still two years away that I would finally realize my ultimate desire to be transformed, and now I record a podcast under that same name.

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I want for you what I have found a renewed mind that's set upon serving God when you are a born-again Christian.

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Worship is not detached, it's not stagnant and it's not boring, unlike some people's opinions about my church.

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It's also not wild and crazy.

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We are the wild and crazy guys.

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Well, okay, it's not crazy for no good reason anyway.

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And it's not attention-seeking, at least not when it's authentic and you can tell.

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It can be calm and soft.

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It can also be determined and relentless.

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These past months I've sat here in this RV, going over the last years of my life.

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I think of being a born again Christian as having a freedom that comes with focus.

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I mean focused and purposed prayer, prayer that lets me know that I'm in the presence of the Lord, and all the things that are deep inside me that I can't even find the words for are being brought to God's attention at that moment.

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Being born again matters to me now because most of my life I've been exposed to a church environment where deep worship and praise and prayer were not part of the show.

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Church was very structured and you did not deviate from the order of service in the bulletin.

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But now, on Sundays, if a tragedy hit a family, I can sit there and watch a mother engage in spiritual warfare with strength and determination that's not her own.

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She may or may not run around the aisle, but she for sure digs her heels in.

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I can see her relentlessly seeking God over whatever the issue is, trusting him in her bleakest situation.

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To me that is powerful.

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I never knew a relationship with Christ could be so, so real.

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I faked it for so long I began to believe the lie that the devil was telling me, the lie that this is all there is.

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There's no power, there's no change.

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I was convinced that everybody was delusional and I was the only one with the gall to admit it.

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Being born again matters to me.

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When I see my pastor the most humble, selfless and good-hearted person I can think of stand up and speak with authority, with the power of the Holy Spirit, unafraid and unashamed, and I see him clear the room of a demonic presence, just so his flock, his people, could pray in peace.

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It matters to me because I can feel the difference after he does it.

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I can feel the weight of the room lessen and feel the Holy Spirit fill that space in and around me, communing with God.

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Praise the Lord for freedom.

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It matters to me when I watch and hear my friend, a dad, drop down to his knees, calling on God, trusting him and praising him in the worst of times, while he's in the middle of a nasty divorce.

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Most of us have been there.

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We get ourselves in a circumstance where the enemy of our soul tries to get the upper hand and have us deal with it in other ways and most of us would buckle under the pressure I did.

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My past is filled with a logbook of ways not to cope with heartbreak, from drugs and alcohol to comfort in the arms of another woman, all the way to attempting suicide, when all I had to do was call out to the Lord and let him take the pain.

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It still hurts, but with God the pain is overshadowed by his own promise.

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Psalm 34, 18,.

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The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.

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He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

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God provides hope for the future.

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Mine and yours, you people have heard me speak in these podcasts.

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For the last couple months, I've been in the middle of the worst heartbreak I've ever experienced.

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The old Rick wouldn't be hurting right now.

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I would be numb from allowing Satan to comfort me, allowing him to comfort me straight to hell.

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God allows us every day to experience just enough.

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Just enough pain to teach us to rely on him, because every day I hurt less and less and my hope and faith grow.

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Being born again isn't just an adjective describing people.

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It's lives that experience the real God in real ways.

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You know, when it comes to being born again, there aren't any age limits or religious rituals required.

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God has exactly what each person needs when they need it.

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God supplies us gifts of the Spirit tailor-made to send his message by bringing to light what people need to hear in a way that will bring the most impact for those needs.

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Being born again isn't something you do or a way you act.

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It's a way of being.

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It's choosing to give up yourself, your self, that thing that held you together for so many years, that thing that made you you, your life, your relationships, your job, your friends, your children.

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You have to trust that the things you hold most dear are better off in God's hands than in yours, because God wants to make you into something new, a man or a woman that submits to his authority by allowing him to direct all of you, all of your life, a life where the Holy Spirit is your strength and structure.

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Because when you do that, when you give God everything and I mean everything you find freedom.

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Being born again is being free in your worship, whenever and wherever you are, during the good times and the bad, unlimited by how long or how you choose to do it.

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It's being in a place, spiritually, where you're actually touching the hem of Christ's garment.

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It's shouting praise the Lord while you're driving down the interstate.

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It's about praising him first when you receive that raise.

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It's about praising him when your child hits that home run.

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It's also about praising him when that same child gets cancer.

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In the Old Testament there was a man named Job.

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Job was a wealthy man with a wife and children and land and animals.

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And one day some really bad people came and killed all his servants.

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Then a fire killed all his sheep, then all his camels, then all his children died when the house they were in collapsed on them.

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Job lost everything all at once, except his wife.

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In one moment he went from a wealthy father to owning nothing and losing his children.

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And what did Job do?

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Chapter one, verse 21,.

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He says naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I shall return.

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The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.

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Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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Yes, blessed be the name of the Lord.

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Yes, he praised God through the pain and, if you continue reading, he suffered so much more.

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Satan wants to kill and destroy and your life will be tossed back and forth.

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He's trying to get you to curse God, to keep you from living for God.

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But Job never cursed the Lord.

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He only praised him.

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That is part of what being born again means Understanding that, no matter what, god will be praised in every circumstance.

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Job fought Satan and trusted God, and in the end, god not only restored all that Job had lost, but he gave him twice as much.

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Being born again, the beauty of why it matters is being humble and graciously accepting God's lens over your eyes.

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You begin to see the world around you like God sees it.

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You see people differently.

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You see situations differently.

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You hurt for people when they're hurting.

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You rejoice for people in their success, all to be effective for God's kingdom in your small little portion of the world.

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And as wonderful as it is for me and you to live as a born-again Christian for whatever time we have on this earth, it really should be more wonderful for those people that live their life with us and around us, because people will be drawn to that spirit, that light inside you, confirming what you used to say.

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Is this real?

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Yes, it is.

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I have been transformed into a new person and others can see it and they want it for themselves, and that is why we are here To show others how good God is by loving him and praising him and serving him.

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And now Deep Thoughts from Rick Yuhas Things people with integrity do differently.

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If they give you their word, you can count on it.

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They know what is right and they're not afraid to stand up for it.

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They live by the same standards they expect from others.

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They take ownership of problems that aren't their own.

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They choose to act sooner, not later.

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They are extremely humble.

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They believe in transparency.

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They give credit where credit is due.

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They are people you can trust.

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They are broad-minded people, people you can trust.

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They are broad-minded people.

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And now the Renewed Mindset's Daily Devotional.

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Of course it's on being born again.

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It comes from the book of John, chapter 3, verses 1 through 15.

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I'll let you read those on your own.

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I am going to read verse 3.

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Now you see, nicodemus met Jesus as a Pharisee, a religious leader.

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Nicodemus was very good at following rules.

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He knew what it meant to be a faithful Jew and he probably acted like a faithful Jew most of the time.

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When Nicodemus approached Jesus to learn more about him, he might have been expecting Jesus to tell him some rules or requirements.

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He might have been wondering what do I have to do to be your follower?

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Jesus responded to Nicodemus.

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In an unexpected way, jesus told him that he must be born again.

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If we're familiar with these verses in John 3, we might not realize how shocking this idea must have been for Nicodemus.

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But Nicodemus reminds us how shocking it was when he said well, surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born.

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Jesus explained that he was talking about a spiritual birth, not a physical one.

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The new spiritual beginning that Jesus offers is so complete, so all-encompassing, that he called it being born again.

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It's not enough to follow a few rules.

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Jesus offers us something better a fresh start.

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As he did for Nicodemus, jesus offers you the joy of being born again, the joy of a fresh start at life because of God's amazing forgiveness and love.

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Lord Jesus Christ, I praise you for coming to save me and to give me new life by your Holy Spirit.

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Give me new birth that results in a life of faith, hope and love In your precious name, amen.

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Hope and love In your precious name, amen.

00:19:47.443 --> 00:19:49.705
I just love to produce this show for you.

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I don't know if you can tell the Renewed Mindset Show is your show.

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My prayer is that you not only receive the message, but that you're entertained.

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At the same time, I'm passionate about bringing you valuable content.

00:20:05.742 --> 00:20:06.223
Each week.

00:20:06.223 --> 00:20:11.040
Many of you have reached out expressing a desire to support our ministry.

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If you resonate with our mission, visit our website at renewedmindsetscom.

00:20:17.192 --> 00:20:25.373
Slash support and you can choose your preferred method Cash app, paypal, buy me a coffee.

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They're all there.

00:20:26.494 --> 00:20:30.349
Your generosity helps us continue this journey together.

00:20:30.349 --> 00:20:34.669
Thank you for being a part of the Renewed Mindsets community.

00:20:34.669 --> 00:20:36.011
See ya.

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Well, that's it for this week's show about Born Again.

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Make sure you check us out next week for part two.

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I'm sure there'll be a little more fact and a little less emotion in that one.

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I did have a good time making this and I hope you enjoyed it.

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If you've missed any of our shows, you can catch up at our website at renewedmindsetscom.

00:20:58.891 --> 00:21:04.912
We're also listed on Apple and Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

00:21:04.912 --> 00:21:12.670
And while you're on the website, send me a voice message A little microphone at the bottom right-hand side of the page.

00:21:12.670 --> 00:21:16.089
I just might put your message on a future episode.

00:21:18.201 --> 00:21:22.672
If you enjoyed this show, do me a favor and send a link to someone you know that might enjoy it.

00:21:22.672 --> 00:21:30.622
I believe these messages are needed in the world and God needs to get all the glory Until next week.

00:21:30.622 --> 00:21:38.095
I'm Rick, I love you.

00:21:38.095 --> 00:21:57.729
See ya, are you ready to go?

00:21:57.729 --> 00:22:00.191
See ya From the album Are you Ready?

00:22:00.191 --> 00:22:02.613
Copyright 2002.

00:22:02.613 --> 00:22:08.636
Offbeat Ministries Incorporated Floodgate can be found on Apple Music and iTunes.

00:22:08.636 --> 00:22:15.700
Music used with permission.

00:22:15.700 --> 00:22:17.301
I promise I'm really out of here this time.

00:22:17.301 --> 00:22:18.183
Trust me.

00:22:18.183 --> 00:22:21.210
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.

00:22:21.210 --> 00:22:29.423
Everybody, stay safe and remember be an encourager, not a discourager.

00:22:29.423 --> 00:22:34.412
Don't forget to come back next week and listen for part two of our Born Again series.

00:22:34.412 --> 00:22:35.333
See you next week.

00:22:35.333 --> 00:22:38.241
Same bad time, same bad station.

00:22:38.241 --> 00:22:38.622
I'm out.