Have you ever woken up feeling as though the weight of yesterday's mistakes was washed away overnight? That's the transformative power of Christ's mercy we're unpacking in our latest episode, where we go beyond the typical New Year's resolutions. Together, we're embarking on a spiritual journey that doesn't just start with the bang of fireworks at midnight. Instead, it's a daily renewal of our mindsets, steeped in the teachings of Christ, to confront our sins and embrace repentance. I invite you to reflect on the deep connection between the mercy we receive each dawn and the strength to make life-altering decisions—be they in our personal relationships or career paths. Through the lens of scriptures like Lamentations 3:22-23 and Hebrews 4:15, we explore the divine support that bolsters our resolve to live with intention, and how every day is indeed a precious gift from God.
As we wrap up this episode, I'm immensely grateful for the time we've shared in pursuit of a Renewed Mindset. Your companionship on this journey is invaluable, and I'm thrilled to offer a treasure trove of resources on renewedmindsets.com, including past episodes and scriptural guides that have shaped our discussions. And let's not forget the laughter—our new merchandise store is bound to bring a smile with its light-hearted offerings. Your insights and messages are the compass that guide this show, and I can't wait to see the difference we'll make in the year ahead. So, after a good-hearted dad joke to send us off, accept my warm wishes for a New Year filled with joy, growth, and a purpose that's ever-renewing.
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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.
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Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!
00:00 - Renewed Mindsets and New Year's Resolutions
18:41 - Renewed Mindsets
The Renewed Mindset Show with Rick Uhaas can be heard every Sunday morning at 9 am Eastern right here on WDJY 99.1,. Straight Talk Today on Renewed Mindsets. Many people are deciding how to celebrate on December 31st for New Year's Eve, figuring out their New Year's resolutions. What should Christians be doing? There might not be one right way to observe the transition from one year to the next, but I have some thoughts to help believers stay Christ focused. Let's go, boys. Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets. I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas. I know I did. I mean who doesn't like new underwear and socks? Now you and I are looking towards a new year and all the possibilities. New Year's Day is a day of resetting ourselves, our hearts, which have loved and lost, and of restoring or changing ourselves to what we've always wanted to be like, including the habit of turning to Christ every day for a fresh start, not in a new relationship with someone else, but in a relationship with Jesus, which is always growing. Let's go Now. Many people, no matter what they believe, look at January 1st as a chance for a new beginning. If our previous year was disappointing or we make significant mistakes, we imagine wiping the slate clean and starting over. I may just be talking about myself here. Now, christians know that new starts are available at any time. They're not dictated by the calendar. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. That's Lamentations 3, 22, and 23. Now, all those who confess and repent their sin can enjoy freedom from regret and shame. You can find courage to endure the trials. Joy and mercy are available for you and every believer all the time. A new year inspires this kind of thought process, so what we do is we make resolutions. Starting over often turns into making resolutions, but quitting smoking or starting a diet or purchasing a gym membership is only the beginning of a fresh start. If there's a sin issue in your life, you can address it right now, now, truthfully. Peace awaits you if you're quick to confess and repent of sin. Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord. That's Psalm 3210. Bad habits and addictions are symptomatic of deeper issues, though. Rather than making a resolution to quit doing something and start doing something else, take advantage of this renewal opportunity to face the sin in your life and find freedom from its effects through the Father's loving direction. For example, you might be the kind of person who seeks attention by causing drama. We all know that person. You might run from conflict by exercising too much and trying to control a painful situation by regulating calories very carefully. We all know that that's not my problem. Fear could be driving you to drink or abuse drugs. These habits or addictions have enslaved you. They rob you of peace. Because alcohol or exercise or drama becomes a focus of worship. It becomes an idol. The New Year is a perfect time to dig up the roots of trouble by the power of the Holy Spirit, under the assurance that honest and wholehearted repentance leads to life and peace. That's from 2 Corinthians 710. Remember these words from the Apostle John too If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That's 1 John 1-9. Jesus does not want you to be burdened by your sin. He wants you to experience freedom. God's Word contains all the answers you need to overcome addictions and work through your conflict. I'm telling you everything you need is in your Bible, but just remember that your pastor or a counselor can provide direction and support, helping you to connect the Lord's promises to your unique emotional needs when you face the turmoil of personal sin and response to sins committed against you. The new year could be a time when both people can reflect and make changes. The work of the Spirit and each person's life is between Him or her and God. Part of learning to overcome addictive behaviors, though, is potentially finding the courage to walk away from an abusive relationship or a friendship or a job. So be prepared. Deuteronomy 612 says Take care lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. That's Deuteronomy 612. Christians are enjoined to never forget what the Lord has done for them. A Christian who obtains his greatest joy from the Lord sees January 1st as a time to remember the goodness of God as it has unfolded across the past year. Sometimes the details of God's intervention are only obvious when you survey His goodness over time. By looking back over the past year, you can see all the places where God was and where you were blessed. We can never remember the Lord's grace and mercy and love towards us too often. Remembering Christ is essential. The more you do this, the better, but at the start of the new year, we might reassess which direction to go with regard to a career or a relationship, or what our cross might be, and to either change course or stick with the established one. Now, a lot of people have issues this time of the year, during the holiday season. If this is a difficult season for you, go back to Hebrews 415. It says For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who, in every respect, has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Remember that Christ knows the temptations you face, the suffering you endure. He's able to sympathize, so turn to Him without fear. Now, what about New Year's Eve parties? This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's Psalm 118, 24. This is the psalmist's shout for every day, not just New Year's Day, not just New Year's Eve, not only on good days when we anticipate the company of friends in a great meal or music or dancing. Let's dance. Every day is the Lord's day and every day we are His Christians. Don't need to avoid fun like Christ was adverse to it. God does not demand that we be serious all the time. Jesus was not a recluse. He performed His first miracle at a wedding. Remember he changed water into wine. Jesus was so full of life that His enemies called Him a wine-biber and a glutton. He was not, but there was in Him a genuine joy. People didn't understand it and if you don't have that joy, you're not like Jesus, because Jesus is literally leaping with joy. But remember New Year's Eve. We're not called into debauchery. That is not joy, but we're encouraged by Christ's example to be filled with a love and a zest for life which is living inside of us by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8, 14, and 15 says For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God, for you did not receive the Spirit of Slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of Adoption as sons by whom we cry Abba, father, we people have so much reason to celebrate. Christ is coming back. Every year, somebody predicts the end of the world. Now more than ever, we're seeing the signs of the return of our Lord With each new catastrophe and major conflict between world powers. Armageddon seems near, but only God knows when the end will come. Matthew 24-36 tells us that every year on January 1, christians wonder. Will this be the year that Jesus returns? Let me tell you something. One thing is for sure Jesus' return is sooner today than it was yesterday, and with that in mind, we prepare. 1 John 3-2-3 says we are God's children now and we know that when he appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as he is, and everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as he is pure. If you really want to be like Him by seeing Him when he comes, you'll pursue being like Him. Now you will. In other words, the new year is a reminder to keep Jesus in the forefront of our minds. Now, why does any of this matter? New Year's Day is no different from any other day as far as Christ is concerned. For the believer, the very idea of throwing out an old calendar and starting with 12 clean pages is an awesome reminder that the pages, like our lives, quickly become messy. New Year's Day is a day of resetting hearts, hearts that have wandered, hearts that have loved and lost. And New Year's Day is a day of restoring the habit of turning to Christ every day for a fresh start, not in a new relationship, but in a relationship with Jesus which is always growing. And now Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy. From Rick Uhaas. I think a good novel would be where a bunch of men on a ship are looking for a whale. They look and look, but you know what? They never find Him. And you know why they never find Him. It doesn't say. The book leaves it up to you, the reader, to decide. Then, at the very end, there's a page that you can lick and it tastes like Kool-Aid. Every year it's the same old story I'm going to lose weight can be heard every day as the year comes to a close, just like I'm going to live a healthier lifestyle and join the gym, or this year will be different. We can already hear them being floated around. Well, I did some digging on the internet, yep, and I found old tweets from biblical characters about their New Year's resolutions, like this one from Adam Seems like everyone's all about high fiber. Me, I plan to eat less fruit next year. Or this one from Mrs Lott Longing for the past helps, no one, don't look back. Hey, what's this salty taste? Or Esau, I hereby resolve to draft the Fair Trade Act and enforce it. Hashtag say no to stew. Or this one from Joseph this is the pits If I meet those brothers of mine again, they'll really see me uncloked. We've got one here from Joshua Words to live by Build city of fire, and it'll be warm for a day. Set city on fire and it'll be warm for the rest of its life. Or David Done fighting lions and Philistines Taking a safer job, playing. My heart for the king, hashtag can't lose. I have one here from Balaam. You remember him? His says, for starters, I'm booting all Dr Dolittle movies from my Netflix queue. Hashtag, been there, done that. Here's two in a row about the same thing. Name it. Start bating more Does wonders for your health. And Bathsheba. Start bathing less. Who puts a tub on the roof anyway? And good old Peter, I want to get out fishing more this year. Men are important, just not as tasty Hashtag. Fishers of men. Here's one from Timothy. What coach Paul said, flee the desires of youth Will do, but what about the desires of middle age? Here's one from the author of Hebrews. Got to remember to sign my name on these letters. Last one got out by mistake. Oh well, I'm sure they'll know who it's from. James, no matter what happens this year, count it all joy. Yes, I'm serious. No, I'm not joking. Why are you looking at me like that? And I guess this is old. These must have been around for a while, because this one's from Jesus. It says the Mayans win the prize. I'm returning to earth in 2012. Just kidding, all joking aside, we really do try to make resolutions at this time of the year and we fail at them, myself included. So this year, if you've got to make some, if you just can't live without making a resolution, try a couple of these out, because I guarantee you next year at this time you'll thank me for it. One go ahead and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you're thinking well, I'm saved, I'll trust Him. Do you really have you turned everything in your life over to Him? Think about the one issue in your life. Think about the one thing in your life that never goes your way. Have you turned it over to Jesus and just left it at His feet? I'm telling you if you will surrender all. You sang to Him when you were growing up. I surrender all, but you never did it. I'm going to tell you, if you do it, it's awesome. Surrender yourself, deny yourself and follow Him. The second one how about make a resolution to place God's Word as the authority in every area of your life, not just in the areas where you're already in the habit of using it, not just on the easy stuff, but every area of your life. God's Word has an answer for you. And the third one be a light for Christ. You know the state of the church in America is declining and the churches around the world need revival. What can we do? Jesus called us to be a light in the dark world. The nature of us as Christians is so different from that of unbelievers, people who are still slaves to sin. So being a light for Christ means denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. We need to live soberly. We need to live righteously and godly in this age, looking for the hope and glorious appearing of our God and Savior, jesus Christ. Be a light for Christ. I just love to produce this show for you. I don't know if you can tell the renewed mindset show is your show. My prayer is that you not only receive the message, but that you're entertained at the same time. I'm passionate about bringing you valuable content. Each week. Many of you have reached out expressing a desire to support our ministry. If you resonate with our mission, visit our website at renewedmindsetscom and you can choose your preferred method Cash app, paypal. Buy Me a Coffee. They're all there. Your generosity helps us continue this journey together. Thank you for being a part of the Renewed Mindsets community, see ya? Well, that's all for this episode of the renewed mindset show. I really hope you enjoyed it and found at least a nugget to take away from it. If you like what you heard, do me a favor, please, and tell someone about it. Send them a link by text or social media. You can find all the previous episodes at our website, renewedmindsetscom, along with detailed show information, including all scripture references, a weekly blog post and introducing our new renewed mindset store full of merch that you can't live without. And while you're there, leave me a voice message telling me what you think of this episode or the show in general. You just may hear it on a future installment. I really look forward to what renewed mindsets is going to do in 2024. Thank you so much for your support. Until next year, I'm Rick. I love you. See, ya? The intro and outro music for the renewed mindset show is Are you Ready? By Floodgate From the album Are you Ready? Copyright 2002, offbeat Ministries Incorporated. Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes Music used with permission.
Speaker 2:Good idea, Ernie. A toast to my big brother, George, the richest man in town. That's a Christmas present for a very dear friend of mine. Look, Daddy Peter says every kind of bell rings and the angel gives his wings. That's right, that's right. I don't like to hear it.
Speaker 1:I really hate to do this to you. I mean, I realize that you just gave me 23 minutes of your time in your life sitting in your car, all by yourself, listening to me talk. I'm going to be alone on New Year's Eve. My kids are grown, my grandkids have things to do and I have dad jokes that I'm not going to be able to use. So what I would do is, right before midnight, I promise to all the kids in the room that I won't make any more dad jokes for the rest of the year, and right after midnight I'd make a real big yawn and say oh man, I am so tired I haven't slept since last year. I know you ate it, but I'm laughing and really that's all that matters. Happy New Year from everybody at Renewed Mindsets. That's really just me and the cat, but the Renewed Mindset Show with Rick Uhaas can be heard every Sunday morning at 9 am Eastern right here on WDJY 99.1 Straight Talk.