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Renewed Mindsets
June 28, 2024

Maintaining Your Anointing Through God's Power

Gods Power

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What if you could reignite your spiritual fervor and become a mighty instrument of God? Join us as we uncover the profound spiritual truths that empower believers to recognize their divine potential and maintain their anointing. In this episode, we delve into the eternal treasures God has deposited within us, inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:7, Psalm 51, and Proverbs 4:18. Reflecting on the wisdom of David, we discuss how every part of our being can be harnessed as an instrument of divine power, unshaken by the enemy's attacks through trust in God's provision and guidance. 

Feeling spiritually dry or disconnected? It’s time to reclaim your cutting-edge anointing through the power of God. We explore the dynamism that comes from being fervent in spirit and fully engaged in serving the Lord, with insights drawn from Romans 12:11, John 6:63, Psalm 104, Jude 1:20, and Luke 18:1. Learn how staying connected to a Holy Spirit-filled church and maintaining a robust prayer life can activate supernatural power, keeping you spiritually sharp, agile, and impactful. Tune in to discover how to remain fully equipped as an instrument of God's grace in the world.

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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:00 - God's Investment in You

09:34 - Activating Your Spiritual Cutting Edge



00:00:00.381 --> 00:00:04.772
In the previous full episode we talked about Gideon and being an instrument of God.

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I want to expand on that a little bit today for the bonus episode.

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I appreciate you tuning in.

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I appreciate you listening.

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If you enjoy this, send me an email, rick, at renewedmindsetscom, and let me know I love you.

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You are God's instrument of power.

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God always deposits blessings in vessels.

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The Bible says but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.

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That's 2 Corinthians 4.7.

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God does not invest treasures in things.

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He invests treasures in people.

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The treasure that you seek is not in a car, it's not in a house, it's not your job, it's not your spouse or your children, but it's in the belly of your spirit.

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You are the carrier of every investment that God put inside you.

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It's all in you.

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Why does God not put it in a frame?

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Because things are temporary, but people are eternal and that's powerful.

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Even when you leave this earth, you continue to carry the consciousness of a blessing, the embodiment of the investment that God has put inside you.

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You know a lot of people care more about things than they care about the capacity of their own spirit.

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You are the Lord's investment.

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You have to see yourself as the biggest investment of your own life.

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If you lost your car, if the internal factors of your spirit that produced the car were still intact, you'll get another car.

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If the Lord sent you to a city to plant a ministry and then God moved you to another city to plant another ministry, if the anointing is still there, you'll produce the same result or better.

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In Psalm 51, when David was in some situation, he was not protecting his throne, he was protecting everything around him, but he was asking God to preserve his anointing.

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He said cast me not away from your presence, do not take your Holy Spirit from me.

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He knew if he lost God's anointing he'd lose everything.

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This is a very powerful truth and your priority needs to change for whatever season you're in or whatever season you're moving into.

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Do not take the things of God lightly.

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Your priority needs to change.

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The inner workings of your spirit is major.

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Having your joy is major.

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Having your anointing is major.

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Having your peace with God, walking with God in righteousness, that's major.

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Being a holy, consecrated vessel into God, that's major.

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You need to major in the major and minor in the minor.

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As long as your major stays major, you'll always be in a major place in life.

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Now, when we're talking about the manifestation of the blessing of God on a person's life, it doesn't just start on the outside, it begins from the inside.

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The moment your anointing increases, the impact of that anointing also increases, and that's how it works for God.

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So when God says I will promote you, that promotion doesn't start from the outside.

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With God, it begins from the inside.

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The moment the capacity of your spirit increases, everything around you begins to experience a transformation.

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Proverbs 4.18 says the path of the righteous is like a shining light.

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Proverbs 4.18 says the path of the righteous is like a shining light.

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It shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day when God lays his hand upon you.

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Everything about you, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, become an instrument in God's hands for a miracle.

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So everything about you has been reconfigured, rewired, reorganized to become an extension of who God is in the earthly realm.

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Jeremiah 51.20 says Now that's an instrument.

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Consider how David began to highlight how God turned him into an instrument of power for his glory.

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He said God.

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David began to highlight how God turned him into an instrument of power for his glory.

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He said Make my feet like hinds feet and set upon me high places Psalm 1833.

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Your feet are not just ordinary feet, but your feet have become a weapon.

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They represent acceleration and speed.

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David also said he teaches my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by my hands.

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Your hands are not ordinary hands.

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Your arms and your hands have become an instrument and the hand of God.

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God will use your hands to bend a bow of steel.

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God, god will use your hands to bend a bow of steel.

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That's why, when you lift up your hands in praise, it's a weapon of power.

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God told Moses to lift up his hands against the Red Sea with the rod of the Lord in his hand.

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And you know what happened the Red Sea parted and this is why the enemy is targeting you people.

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Some of you don't understand that every attack that the devil is sending against you is not about your job, it's not about your car, it's not about your house or your wife or your kids.

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It's not about the haters.

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It's about you, taking you out, because the devil knows that you are the embodiment of the instrument and a weapon of God.

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Your tongue is an instrument and a weapon.

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The Bible says the Lord has given me the tongue of the learned that I may know to speak a word in season.

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Isaiah 50-4.

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God is sharpening your tongue.

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Your eyes are an instrument and a weapon Isaiah 57,.

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Your ears are God's instrument and weapon.

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He shall hear a voice behind you saying this is the way.

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Walk in it.

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Isaiah 30, 21.

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Your ears are a weapon for divine direction.

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Everything about a child of God, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, is a weapon.

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You're empowered to win, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, and that's why God has made your life a mystery to the enemy.

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They can't understand you because they thought if they took your car, they thought if they took your job, they thought if you took your family, that they would take your power.

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But then they see that your power is not in your car or your job or your house.

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Some trust in horses and some trust in chariots Psalm 27.

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The horses and the chariot are the place of power and defense, but we remember the name of the Lord, our God.

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We are empowered from within and that's why we can't be defeated.

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We're configured to prosper everywhere we go.

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Take a child of God who is cultivated to the desert, and they'll turn that desert into the Garden of Eden, because the power that produces prosperity is inside their spirit.

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That's what the devil hates.

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That's why he can't shut you down unless you let him.

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If I come into any environment, I come with a full measure of the gifts and fruit of the Spirit of God.

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I command today that the expression of that anointing, I command the expression of the full capacity of the Spirit and the glory and the power of God that's in you.

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Your mind is God's instrument and a weapon of righteousness, for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, the spirit of love and a sound mind.

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2 Timothy 1.7.

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Every weapon of God, every resource of God that is in your spirit.

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I command them to come alive now, receive activation in the name of Jesus.

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All of God's children are an investment of God.

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Now, some of you, your appointments become stale.

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It's not moving anymore.

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The Bible says some people have eyes but they don't see.

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There's a generation out there now who have eyes but they don't see.

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There's a generation out there now who have eyes but they don't see.

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They have ears but they don't hear.

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They have mouths but they're not speaking.

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Or, when they speak, their words have no power.

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There's a generation that have feet but they're not running.

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There's a generation where they have hands but their hands have become crippled and their feet have become paralyzed and they don't understand.

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The investment of God is in their spirit.

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Any of you listening today who's lost your cutting edge to sin or lost your cutting edge to the devil, god can redeem you.

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There is nothing as exciting as when a believer has their cutting edge.

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Everything about you is lit and burning and activated and supersonic and fully charged up and intensified.

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The Bible says we need to be fervent in the Spirit, not slothful in business in the Spirit, not slothful in business, fervent in the Spirit serving the Lord Romans 12.11.

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The cutting-edge anointing is always awake and dynamic, and today you can be set ablaze in your inner man in the name of Jesus.

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Everything about your spirit can be activated.

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You won't miss one more opportunity.

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You will not for one day walk slowly anymore, you won't crawl anymore, you won't drag yourself anymore.

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Everything is accelerated, everything is on point, everything is on fire in the name of Jesus.

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If you are not in the God realm.

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If you are not in a Holy Spirit-filled church that preaches the full gospel of Jesus Christ, then you can't see what God is revealing in the spirit realm.

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You could be in the room and not be in that realm.

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The Bible says it's the spirit that quickeneth the flesh.

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Profit nothing the words that I speak unto you.

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They are a spirit and they are life.

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John 6.63.

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Get plugged into a realm of the spirit in a God-fearing, holy Spirit-filled church.

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Don't accidentally find yourself in the God realm that you consciously enter.

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The Bible says I will enter his gates with thanksgiving and I will enter his court with praise.

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Psalm 104.

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The Bible says pray always, building up your most holy faith, praying always in the Holy Ghost.

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Jude 1.20.

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You have got to stay in touch by activating your spirit throughout the day, especially when you're speaking in the prayer language.

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Supernatural transactions take place when you constantly pray.

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The Bible said For men ought to pray and not faint Luke 18.1.

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So when you're constantly praying, god builds up the full capacity of your spirit.

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Your vision is sharp, your hands are enabled, your feet are light, it's like it's faster, everything is faster and your mouth is sharp.

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When you speak, it has impact on the godly realm.

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Be God's instrument.

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That's what he's called you to do.