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The world is changing and time is running out.
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This is Renewed Mindsets, where we confront Biblical truth head-on no sugar-coating, no compromise.
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We expose false doctrine, reveal fulfilled prophecy and shine light on the demonic deception of these last days, but we also stand firm on the hope of Christ's return, the call to holiness and the urgency of true salvation.
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It's time to renew your mind, for the time is now.
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Let's go, boys.
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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets.
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I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here Today.
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I want to talk about something many of us have overlooked or maybe just misunderstood the Sabbath.
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Now some of us are raised to believe that as long as we go to church on Sunday, we're keeping the Sabbath.
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Others might think that the Sabbath was an Old Testament law that doesn't really apply today, and some of us may have never even given it much thought at all.
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But what if I told you that the Sabbath isn't just a suggestion, it's a commandment.
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And not only that, but it's deeply connected to our relationship with God in these end times?
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I want you to stick with me because, even if this challenges what you've been taught, I truly believe that what we do with the Sabbath is a matter of obedience and a sign of the times, chapter 20, god gives a direct command.
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This is verses 8 through 11.
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Remember the Sabbath day.
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To keep it holy, six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord, your God.
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On it you shall not do any work.
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Now, this isn't just about taking a day off from our jobs.
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It's about setting aside a day to focus entirely on God.
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Now think about it.
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When was the last time you truly unplugged from the world for a whole day?
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No work, no distractions, no emails, no social media, just resting in God's presence.
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Hmm, now, one of the most compelling reasons to honor the Sabbath, as God commanded, is this Nowhere in the Bible was it changed From Genesis to Revelation.
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The seventh day, saturday, is the only day God ever referred to as the Sabbath.
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Not only did God establish it at creation, but Jesus himself faithfully observed it.
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And here's what's even more striking After Jesus' resurrection, his disciples continued to keep the Sabbath.
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The Apostle Paul, who wrote extensively about controversial issues like circumcision and dietary laws, never once mentioned any debate over changing the Sabbath.
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Because no change was made.
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If there had been a switch from the seventh day, sabbath, to Sunday.
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It would have caused a massive controversy among the Jewish Christians.
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Yet no such debate exists in Scripture.
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This is because the Sabbath remained the same from creation to the early church.
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So that leaves us with a huge question If the Bible never changed the Sabbath, then when and how did it change?
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Well, since there's no biblical evidence for a shift from Saturday to Sunday, we have to turn to history, and what we find is exactly what Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2.3, where he speaks of a falling away from the truth.
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As the early church grew, external influence began to seep in Gnosticism, a philosophy that blended Christian and pagan ideas, anti-jewish sentiment, which made many believers want to distance themselves from Jewish traditions, including the Sabbath.
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But things really changed when Emperor Constantine came into power in the early 4th century.
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Now, constantine was the first so-called Christian emperor of Rome, but his conversion wasn't exactly what you might think.
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He had a vision before a major battle where he saw a flaming cross with the words In this sign conquer.
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Taking it as a divine message, he declared his soldiers Christian.
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But here's the problem His army was still pagan at heart.
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Instead of fully embracing biblical Christianity, constantine just merged it with sun worship.
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At the time, the Roman Empire's dominant religion was Mithrasism, or sun worship, and their sacred day was the first day of the week.
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Sacred day, it was the first day of the week, sunday, the venerable day of the sun.
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To make Christianity more acceptable to the masses, constantine issued a law in AD 321 mandating Sunday as a day of rest.
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At first it was simply a civil law, but soon after the church leaders adopted it as a Christian practice.
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This is how Sunday worship replaced the biblical Sabbath, not by a command from Jesus, not by a decree from the apostles, but through political influence and compromise, and history confirms this.
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The Encyclopedia Britannica states that Constantine was the first to make Sunday the official day of worship.
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The Catholic Church openly acknowledges that it changed the Sabbath, not based on Scripture, but based on its own authority, so much so that they actually required that church members work on Saturday, the historical Sabbath day.
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The church said you will work on Saturday.
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Sunday is now the Sabbath.
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In fact, catholic leaders have even challenged Protestants by saying if your Bible is your only guide, then you should be worshiping on Sunday.
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That's powerful, because even those who enforce the change admit that it has no biblical foundation.
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So what does all this mean for us today?
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Well, here's the bottom line the Sabbath wasn't changed by God, it wasn't changed by Jesus and it wasn't changed by the apostles.
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It was changed by man.
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So what now?
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Now that you know the truth about the Sabbath, the seventh day, saturday, what do you need to do with that knowledge?
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It's one thing to understand something in theory, but it's another to put it into practice in your life.
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So let's talk about practical steps that you can take to honor the Sabbath in your own life, starting today.
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First, start by making it a priority.
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The first thing you need to do is make the Sabbath a priority Now.
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For most of us, sundays have become so ingrained as a day of rest that it might be hard to think about a different day, especially if you have work, family commitments or other activities that fill up your weekend.
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But honoring the Sabbath requires intentionality.
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You're going to have to make the space in your schedule for rest, worship and reflection.
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Here are a few things to consider Plan your week around the Sabbath.
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You don't have to do everything on Saturday, but start moving some of your normal tasks, like errands or household chores, to Friday so that you can rest and focus on God on Saturday.
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You need to set aside some time for worship.
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This doesn't just mean church.
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It could be personal prayer, bible reading, a time of quiet reflection to reconnect with God.
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Two we need to embrace rest.
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The Sabbath isn't just a break from work.
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It's a time of complete rest, and that includes physical, mental and spiritual rest.
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God designed us to need rest and he knows that rest is essential to living fully and serving him effectively.
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I mean, listen, what we're advocating here is something that God is telling us to do.
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That should be easy.
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He's telling us to take a day off and rest.
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He's telling us to take a day off and rest.
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How crazy is it that half of you listening right now are offended by what I'm saying?
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Here's what I mean by that Physical rest.
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Just take a break from your normal routine of work and strenuous tasks.
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If you've been running around all week, use the Sabbath as a time to rejuvenate your body, whether it's through taking a nap or going for a walk or just sitting still for a minute.
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Mental rest is the big one these days.
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We live in a world that's so full of distractions the news, social media, endless honey-do lists.
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Use the Sabbath as an opportunity to shut out the noise and give your mind a break, and then there's spiritual rest.
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This is about reconnecting with God.
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You don't have to do anything to earn rest.
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Simply just take the time to pray.
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Simply just take the time to pray, read scripture, bask in God's presence, let your soul be nourished and refreshed.
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Listen, the command is clear, exodus 28,.
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Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
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This means setting the day apart from the rest of the week and treating it as sacred.
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And you can do that by avoiding unnecessary work.
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If you can Try not to do things on the Sabbath that involve heavy labor, business activities that cause stress, basically things that we do during the week to make money and engage in activities that draw you closer to God.
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You know, read your Bible, meditate on God's Word.
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Attending a Saturday church service, starting a Saturday church service, or simply worshiping with your family, that's the big one.
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Simply worshiping with your family, that's the big one.
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Take time with your family, turn off the distractions, turn off their distractions.
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Unplug from your phone, turn off the computer, any devices that keep you from being fully present with God and your loved ones, and focus on service.
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The Sabbath is a day of blessing, but it could also be a day of giving.
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If you can find ways to serve others, whether it's helping a neighbor or reaching out to somebody who's lonely serving in a local ministry all of these things you can do on the Sabbath and keep it holy.
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Another thing to do is to reflect on your own heart as you start shifting your mindset about the Sabbath.
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Take a moment to check your heart.
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Are you keeping the Sabbath out of duty or delight?
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God wants us to delight in His day.
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The Sabbath isn't meant to feel like a burden or an obligation.
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It's a gift from God to us.
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He gave it to us because he loves us and he knows we need it.
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God gave us a whole day out of the seven in a week to rest, and we fight it.
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Is there resistance in your heart?
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If you're finding it difficult to commit to the Sabbath, ask God to help you.
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It's okay to struggle at first.
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This is new, this is different.
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But be honest with God.
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Ask Him to reveal why this day is so important to Him and to you, and then make sure that you're leading by example and encouraging others Once you start embracing the Sabbath.
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Share what you're learning with other people, especially your family and friends.
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If you've got children, teach them the value of the Sabbath.
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Make it a special time for your family to come together and to connect with God.
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Encourage your spouse, your friends, your church members to start to join you in honoring the Sabbath.
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You can plan activities, meals or just quiet moments together that point everybody back to God's purpose for this day and then trust God's provision.
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One of the biggest fears people have about honoring the Sabbath is that they won't be able to get everything done.
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We work hard all week and then we have one day that we try to get everything else done and it stresses us out.
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Trust in God's provision During that time of rest.
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Allow God to change you to know that some of the things that we think we have to get done in that day just aren't that important.
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God blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
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He'll make the other six days of the week enough to accomplish everything he's called you to do.
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When you trust him with your time and your schedule, you're actually acknowledging that God is your provider and that you can't do it all on your own.
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Friends, we need to look for ways to honor the Sabbath in a world that doesn't.
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The Sabbath isn't something that our culture promotes, but that doesn't mean you can't find creative ways to honor it.
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Join a Sabbath-keeping community.
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If you don't have a church or a small group that values the Sabbath, look for one or start one yourself.
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Embrace the quiet and the stillness when the world keeps rushing ahead.
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Learn to quiet your heart and rest in God's timing.
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Make the Sabbath, make it a time of renewal, not just for your body but for your spirit.
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This is a day to remember who you are in Christ.
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So here's a question, now that we have this information Do we follow tradition or do we follow the Word of God?
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Do we obey man's laws or God's commandment?
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In the end times, the times we're living in people, obedience is one of the biggest tests of our faith.
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Revelation 14.12 tells us here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
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God is calling us back to truth.
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The question is are we going to listen?
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We live in a time when we're constantly on Our phones, never stop buzzing, our minds are always racing, we feel guilty for resting, like we always have to be productive.
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But God knew that we'd need rest, real, intentional rest, not just physically but spiritually.
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Yes, we are in the end times, so why does this matter?
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A lot of you out there right now are saying well, that was the Old Testament.
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Jesus came so we don't have to follow that anymore.
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But Jesus himself said in Matthew 5, 17, do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
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I have come not to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
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And in Mark 2, 27, jesus says the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
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That means it's a gift, something meant to benefit us, not to burden us.
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And here's where the urgency comes.
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In Revelation 14.12 speaks of the end times and says here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
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Keeping God's commandments, including the Sabbath, will be a mark of those who remained faithful to him in the last days.
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Think about what I just said.
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It's a commandment we would never, ever think of breaking.
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Thou shalt not kill.
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We surely know to not commit adultery and to not steal and to lie about our neighbors and to covet or to use the Lord's name in vain.
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Those seem so easy to us.
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But the Ten Commandments are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
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And number four remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
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Yeah, we have to ask ourselves are we honoring God's commandments or are we following human traditions?
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Because the Bible also warns in Daniel 7.25 that a power would come that would change times and laws.
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And has the world changed the Sabbath?
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The biblical Sabbath is the seventh day, saturday, but most of the world observes Sunday.
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Many churches never teach about Sabbath keeping at all.
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So the question is, who told us it didn't matter anymore?
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The world has slowly, subtly, led us away from God's command, but we're called to go back to the foundation and re-examine what we believe.
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I'm sure you've heard of Chick-fil-A right, if you're in America, no doubt you've heard of it.
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It's one of the few major businesses that closes on Sundays.
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Now, I know Sunday isn't the biblical Sabbath, but stay with me.
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By closing, they take a stand.
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We honor God first, and because of that they've been blessed beyond measure.
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They make more in six days than their competitors do in seven.
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Imagine if we did this in our personal lives.
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What if we truly set aside one day for God?
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What if we refused to let the world's demands pull us away from worship and rest and spiritual renewal.
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What if we put God first, no matter what?
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Wouldn't we also see God's blessings in our lives?
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Now, I know that you're out there thinking, but I have to work on Saturdays or my schedule doesn't allow it.
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I get it.
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We live in a fallen world that doesn't always accommodate God's ways.
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But I challenge you start somewhere.
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If you can't take the full Sabbath right away, dedicate as much time as you can, pray and ask God to make a way for you to honor him fully.
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This isn't about legalism.
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It's about obedience and a love for God.
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I want to bring this home by asking a simple but serious question.
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If the world suddenly demanded that you work on Sundays, would you fight for your right to worship?
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Demanded that you work on Sundays, would you fight for your right to worship?
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For most Christians, the answer is yes, because we value Sunday worship.
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But let's flip it.
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What if the world told you that you were no longer allowed to honor the biblical Sabbath?
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Would you care?
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Would you even notice?
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This is where things get real, because in the last days, the Bible tells us that there's going to be a divide those who follow God's commandments, even when it's inconvenient and those who go along with the world.
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The Sabbath is a test of faithfulness, not because resting on a certain day saves us.
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Test of faithfulness not because resting on a certain day saves us, but because obedience shows who we truly belong to.
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If we can't honor God now, when it's easy, how are we going to stand firm when things get hard?
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Now let me encourage you with a promise here.
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As you start practicing the Sabbath, be prepared for your relationship with God to grow deeper.
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You're going to notice a refreshing of your soul, a renewal of your strength and a greater intimacy with God.
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It's not going to happen overnight.
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And a greater intimacy with God it's not going to happen overnight.
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It may take some time to adjust and to find your rhythm, but God is faithful and he's going to honor your commitment to rest in Him.
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So I've got a challenge Begin to implement the Sabbath this week.
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Start with small steps, but make a conscious effort to set the day apart, to focus on God.
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Trust that he's going to provide what you need and that this day of rest is one of the most powerful ways that you can experience his peace and blessing.
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That's all for today, but I'll be back with more unfiltered biblical truth and undeniable prophecy.
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The time to wake up is now.
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If today's episode challenged you don't keep it to yourself, tell someone.
00:23:05.040 --> 00:23:07.125
Please text them a link.
00:23:07.125 --> 00:23:10.012
Share the truth while there's still time.
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Visit renewedmindsetscom to stay connected and to listen to past episodes and check out our merch at renewedmindsetsstore.
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Jesus is coming soon.
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Stay watchful, stay holy, stay renewed Until next week.
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I'm Rick.
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Be an encourager, not a discourager.
00:23:36.769 --> 00:23:47.644
I love you, see ya.
00:23:47.644 --> 00:23:54.902
The intro and outro music for the Renewed Mindsets podcast is Are you Ready by Floodgate?
00:23:54.902 --> 00:23:55.942
See ya.
00:23:55.942 --> 00:23:58.304
Music used with permission.