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Renewed Mindsets
July 10, 2024

Holiness and Church Attendance

Church Attendance

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What does it mean to truly live a holy life? On this episode of Renewed Mindsets, we shatter the misconceptions around holiness, revealing that it's not about rigid rule-following or earning salvation through good works, but about being set apart from sin and reflecting God's nature. We dive into the essence of a personal relationship with God, stressing the importance of obedience to His will and steering clear of evil influences. We also shed light on the crucial role regular church attendance plays in spiritual growth, and the profound differences it makes in the lives of those who commit to attending multiple services versus those who don't. Join us as we highlight the necessity of fellowship and the support of the Holy Spirit on this transformative journey.

In this episode, we also emphasize why consistent church attendance should take precedence over work, sports, or even family visits. With biblical teachings from Matthew, Luke, and Ephesians as our guide, we explore the importance of putting Christ first in our lives. Discover how every member's participation is vital for the church's health and growth and how being a regular attendee sets a powerful example for fellow believers. Plus, don't miss out on our newly introduced segment, Wisdom for the Day, featuring short, insightful readings from the book of Proverbs designed to fit into even the busiest of schedules. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and uplifted as we strive together for holiness and community growth.

One of the best podcasts outside of the Renewed Mindsets brand!  

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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:00 - Striving for Holiness in Church

08:54 - Importance of Attending Every Church Service

28:23 - Wisdom for the Day Podcast Introduction



00:00:00.700 --> 00:00:02.245
Coming up on Renewed Mindsets.

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What is holiness?

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What does it mean to be holy?

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Do you attend church services every week?

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How many times?

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Once, twice, three times a lady?

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Let's talk about fulfilling God's commands, experiencing spiritual growth and supporting the proper function of the church.

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Let's set a good example.

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Let's go, boys.

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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets, the totally awesome podcast for Gen Xers who are ready to bust a move with the hand we were dealt.

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I'm Rick, and if you're feeling discontent with the way life has turned out, well, we're the goonies you're looking for.

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We're here to guide you in purging what you think you know, breaking free from conforming to this world and transforming your mind into the Christ-centered powerhouse.

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It was destined to be.

00:01:01.923 --> 00:01:04.790
Calm that mullet and grab a can of new coke.

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It's time to get radical, dude.

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I'm so glad you're here.

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As Christians, why do we do what we do?

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What's the purpose of us living our lives the way we do, or the way we're supposed to?

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It's to strive for holiness, just like our Father.

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But living a holy life is a concept that's misunderstood by people today.

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A lot of people believe that holiness is about following a strict set of rules or earning salvation through a bunch of good works.

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But true holiness is about being set apart from sin and evil, just like God is To live a holy life, we need to understand that holiness is only possible through our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior and having the Holy Spirit indwelling in us.

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Now this means that we've got to have a personal relationship with God and we need to strive to obey His will in all the areas of our lives.

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Living holy involves avoiding sexual immorality, obeying God's commands and staying separate from the evil influences of the world.

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It's important to remember that living a holy life is not about earning salvation, but about reflecting God, reflecting God's nature and glorifying Him.

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Our actions should reflect love and grace and mercy.

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All of those are from God and we need to reflect that to those people around us.

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We got to strive to be light in a dark world, pointing other people towards the hope that's only found in Christ.

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It's also important to remember that to live a holy life, it's not something that we can do on our own.

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We have to draw strength from fellowship with other Christians and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us live in a way that honors God.

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And when we do make mistakes just like we know we will.

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We can rest in the knowledge that God's grace is always available to forgive and to restore us.

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Living a holy life is a lifelong journey of faith and obedience to God, and it requires a willingness to be set apart from the ways of the world and a commitment to follow God's will in all areas of our lives.

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And by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit and drawing strength from fellowship with other believers, we can strive to live a life that is pleasing to God and reflects His glory to those around us.

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So one of the ways that we use to strive for holiness is we go to church.

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Now, a lot of people find that very important in their lives and other people don't.

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Why do we go to church?

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Well, there's two types of people at church.

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On any given Sunday, you have the Christians who attend service every time the doors open.

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I mean, they're there for Sunday school, they're there for morning worship on Sunday, they're there for Sunday evening, they're there for Wednesday evening and they're there for Friday.

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For on Sunday, they're there for Sunday evening, they're there for Wednesday evening and they're there for Friday for prayer meeting.

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If your church has those and really if you're striving for holiness, you need to be at a church that is open at every opportunity that can be.

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There's so many churches that have just given up Sunday nights and they don't do Wednesdays because all the kids in town have baseball at every opportunity that can be.

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There's so many churches that have just given up Sunday nights and they don't do Wednesdays because all the kids in town have baseball, so we don't have service at night and prayer meeting.

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What's prayer meeting?

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So if you're at a church that only has Sunday morning service, you might not get what I'm talking about here, because your church really isn't doing a whole lot.

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But these people attend both Sunday morning and Sunday evening and prayer meetings and Wednesday nights and, lord you know, they're not going to church somewhere else.

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So why is there a difference between these two types of people?

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Why do some Christians attend every service and others don't somewhere else?

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So why is there a difference between these two types of people?

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Why do some Christians attend every service and others don't?

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Does it really make a difference?

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Well, I'm of the conviction that it makes a very real difference.

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It makes a difference in the spiritual life of a Christian and it makes a difference in the spiritual life of that local church To fulfill the commands of God.

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The command not to forsake ourselves assembling must not be ignored In Hebrews 10.25,.

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And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his returning is drawing near.

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Now, somebody that only comes to church once a week or once a month hasn't completely abandoned the meeting together that that verse talks about, completely abandon the meeting together that that verse talks about.

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But it's a lot easier to forsake that meeting together when you've been in the habit of forsaking all the other assemblies, all the other meetings.

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If you don't come on Wednesday and you don't come on Sunday night and you don't come on Friday night, it becomes very easy to justify not showing up on Sunday morning.

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People that are in the habit of attending every service aren't likely to begin skipping services.

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That can lead to stopping their meeting together altogether.

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So God commands us to not forsake the assembling together.

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He also commands us to edify one another, to build one another up.

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Edify means to instruct or improve someone in a morally or intellectual way.

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So Romans, chapter 14, verse 19,.

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Chapter 15, 1 through 3, and Hebrews, chapter 3, 12 through 14 are all examples of God commanding us to edify one another.

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In a nutshell, our presence alone encourages others in attendance alone encourages others in attendance.

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Can we really say that we're obeying God's command of edifying one another when we're absent most of the time, when we attend so infrequently that we hardly know the other members of the church, and when we're not present to notice that other people have stopped coming?

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Hmm, another command is to seek first the kingdom of God.

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Matthew 6.33 says Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he'll give you everything you need.

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We all have priorities.

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We've just got to put them in the right order.

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Many Christians are not going to accept a job if it means missing church services, and yet they find that God provides for all their needs.

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And yet they find that God provides for all their needs.

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A lot of Christians won't play sports or won't allow their children to play sports or other extracurricular activities that conflict with their service to God.

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It's one thing to miss church because somebody provides critical services.

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An EMT has got to go to work.

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Medical needs are important, but to miss just to make money.

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Some people stay home on Sunday because of aches and pains, but Monday morning they're right off to work or they go to the grocery store or the mall with those same aches and pains.

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But Monday morning they're right off to work or they go to the grocery store or the mall with those same aches and pains.

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My pastor talks about that all the time.

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You know, little Johnny got the sniffles and the whole family has to stay home from church.

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Well, that's just ridiculous, putting Christ first, even before family.

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Matthew 10, 37 and 38,.

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Luke 14, 26,.

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It's harsh.

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If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else your father and your mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even your own life.

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Otherwise you cannot be my disciple.

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Some stay home because of family visiting from out of town.

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Is that putting Christ first?

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Is it?

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Who was our true family?

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Matthew 12, verse 46 through 50.

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As Jesus was speaking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside asking to speak to him.

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Someone told Jesus your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they want to speak to you.

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And Jesus asked who is my mother, who are my brothers?

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And then he pointed to his disciples and said look, these are my mother and brothers.

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Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.

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Can anybody say that they can faithfully keep such commands when they're consistently missing most of the services in the church?

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We need to consider that we need to attend every church service to grow and develop spiritually.

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Those services are there and designed for spiritual growth.

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Hearing the sermons and attending Bible class helps people grow and develop into mature Christians.

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Even the worship songs are designed to teach as well as praise, especially the older ones, especially the older ones.

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The prayer, the Lord's Supper, even collecting the tithes, are designed to bring us closer to God as well as to one another.

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Our growth, our spiritual growth, just like our physical growth, is dependent upon our diet.

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We can't grow, as God intended, on a starvation diet and the people who attend irregularly eventually suffer from spiritual malnutrition.

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It leaves them susceptible to temptation and, rather than live in strong, joyful, peaceful spiritual lives, they live weak and sad and anxiety-ridden and difficult spiritual lives.

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I've never, ever, known a person who chose to attend only once a week to be a strong, faithful Christian.

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Like it says in Psalms, they were more like the chaff than the rooted tree, you know.

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Another reason that we need to attend every service is to help the church function properly.

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Your church needs workers.

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The church is like a body.

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It needs every individual part to do its share.

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Ephesians 4, verse 15 and 16 says Instead, we speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who's the head of his body, the church.

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He makes the body whole and fit together perfectly, perfectly.

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As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

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Nobody can say that they're not needed and they can't say that they don't need others.

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To function properly, a church needs both spiritual and physical service.

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People need to lead songs and prayers and read scripture and preach and teach teaching children and teaching adult classes and you need people to usher new people or visitors to seats.

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You need people to usher new people or visitors to seats and you need people to clean the building and you need people to greet at the door.

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So many things that take place outside the assembly Visiting the sick, helping the needy, teaching the lost, strengthening the weak.

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There are so many jobs that need to be taken care of and your once a week people expect everyone else to do it or worse, they just expect that that's the pastor's job.

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But the church is dependent on the members.

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People who attend infrequently don't do anything for the church.

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They don't do anything.

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Do you want to see your church grow?

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Do you want to see souls saved?

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Do you want to see the weak encouraged?

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Do you want to see your children have good teachers?

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You better be saying yes.

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A church is no stronger than the collective strength of its members.

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Think of a church like the links of a chain.

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If there's a missing link in the chain, it affects the whole chain.

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Churches where attendance drops on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights, where the members don't attend, will never live up to their potential in service to the Lord.

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Do we want to have an answer to the Lord for why we hindered his church?

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You know we go to church to provide a good example and influence.

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Christians are supposed to set a good example.

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1 Timothy 4, verse 12 says Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.

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We're supposed to set a good example for one another as well as for the world.

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Matthew 5, verse 14.

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You are the light of the world like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

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No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket.

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Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house In the same way.

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Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

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Faithful attendance is essential for good influence.

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It sets good example for the young people in Christ, not just children, but the immature Christians, the spiritually weak visitors.

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You know our own children.

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You may think you can survive on one service a week, but what are those people who need encouragement and they notice you missing.

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Let's just say you're the one person that can go to church on Sunday morning and that's it.

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And you are spiritually strong and you have the best relationship with God.

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Well, you know what You're still in the wrong for not going to church, because somebody at that church needs what you have and you not going, you not obeying the command of God to not forsake assembling you, being disobedient, is going to affect their lives in a negative way.

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You influence your friends and your relatives and your neighbors.

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They admire your conviction and devotion to the Lord and they're going to begin to wonder what it is and what makes you so devoted to the church.

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Yeah, you're going to hear it.

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We hear it, lord, at my church we hear it all the time.

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You don't need to do all that you do.

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I just love hearing that from people.

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You don't need to do all that.

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I'm like what are you doing for God?

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What are you doing to tell me that I'm doing too much?

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Because I know that I'm a worm.

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So what does that make you?

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It provides great support for the elders and the preacher and the other Christians.

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You know you've got people at every church that are so uber devoted and they do 99% of the work.

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Your presence alone is a source of great encouragement to them.

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Nobody likes to work and not see any fruits of their labor, your absence.

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It creates anxiety for anybody that's concerned about the church's well-being.

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It creates anxiety for anybody that's concerned for your spiritual welfare.

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We can't escape being an influence on other people.

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Will our influence be good or poor?

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What's another reason that we need to attend every church service?

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We need to be ready, watching and waiting.

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If you're a true disciple of Christ, you're preparing yourself for his return.

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Jesus warned against getting caught off guard.

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In Matthew, chapter 24, verse 44, he says you must also be ready all the time, for the Son of man will come when least expected.

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And he talks more in Matthew 25, verse 13,.

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And Mark 13, verses 33 through 37.

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Paul taught the need to be prepared In 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5,.

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Now, concerning how and when all this will happen, dear brothers and sisters, we don't really need to write you, for you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.

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When people are saying everything is peaceful and secure, then disaster will fall on them suddenly.

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As a pregnant woman's labor, pains begin and there will be no escape.

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It's part of enduring to the end.

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Being prepared, getting prepared, it's what we do to endure to the end and it's making the best use of our time.

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Ephesians 5, verse 16.

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Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

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Attending every service contributes to our preparation.

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As we sing songs about the Lord's coming, jesus is coming soon.

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Morning or night or noon, many will meet their doom.

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Trumpets will sound.

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I mean the songs that we sing tell us what's going to happen.

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And as we study the scriptures that promise his return, what if the Lord came on Sunday night or Wednesday night or Friday night during prayer meeting and you were staying at home on a convenience rather than assembled with your brothers and sisters in Christ, can you say that we're ready and watching and waiting for the Lord when you're willfully missing many of the opportunities that we have to be with his disciples, can you?

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Finally, another reason to attend every service is to have a clear conscience.

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A good conscience is important.

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Jesus died to purify our conscience.

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Hebrews 9.14.

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Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciousness from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God.

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For by the power of the eternal spirit, christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins.

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We are baptized as an appeal for a good conscience.

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We're supposed to have faith and a good conscience.

00:22:50.615 --> 00:22:52.613
1 Timothy 1.19.

00:22:52.613 --> 00:22:56.714
The goal of our teaching is to have a good conscience.

00:22:56.714 --> 00:22:59.172
1 Timothy 1.5.

00:22:59.172 --> 00:23:06.479
And so the disciples, like Paul, sought to serve God with a good conscience.

00:23:06.479 --> 00:23:08.311
That's from Acts, chapter 24.

00:23:10.365 --> 00:23:14.952
Missing services Well, that contributes to a guilty conscience.

00:23:14.952 --> 00:23:26.640
When you miss, not because of illness or some other circumstance that's beyond your control, you feel guilty because you know where you should be.

00:23:26.640 --> 00:23:30.473
You really don't need a lesson like this.

00:23:30.473 --> 00:23:40.845
Common sense tells you that you'd be better off assembling with the Lord's people you that you'd be better off assembling with the Lord's people.

00:23:40.845 --> 00:23:48.960
And a guilty conscience leads to a hardened conscience, a conscience that becomes seared so that it no longer functions properly.

00:23:48.960 --> 00:23:59.636
And once your conscience is hardened regarding attendance, it's more than likely going to become hardened against doing other things that are right in the eyes of God.

00:24:02.865 --> 00:24:07.196
Can you say what's written in Hebrews, chapter 13?

00:24:07.196 --> 00:24:14.357
Pray for us, for our conscience is clear and we want to live honorably in everything we do.

00:24:14.357 --> 00:24:19.928
Want to live honorably in everything we do.

00:24:19.928 --> 00:24:34.896
Because, if we're confident that we have a good conscience in all things desiring to live honorably, if we make it a habit to not attend all the church services, can we really say we have a good conscience and in all things desiring to live honorably?

00:24:34.896 --> 00:24:41.782
Can you?

00:24:41.782 --> 00:24:49.865
Why attend every service?

00:24:49.865 --> 00:24:50.005

00:24:50.005 --> 00:24:54.007
Because the faithful and the fruitful child of God attends service.

00:24:54.007 --> 00:25:11.614
To fulfill the commands of God, to grow and develop spiritually, to help the church function properly, to provide a good example and influence, to be ready and watching and waiting, to have a clear conscience.

00:25:11.614 --> 00:25:27.861
For all those reasons and many others, the faithful child of God will have the same attitude that's expressed by the singer of Israel in Psalms 122.1.

00:25:27.861 --> 00:25:33.156
I was glad when they said to me let us go into the house of the Lord.

00:25:33.156 --> 00:25:38.432
Is that your attitude, the house of the Lord?

00:25:38.432 --> 00:25:38.872
Is that your attitude?

00:25:38.872 --> 00:25:51.346
In redeeming what time you have left on this earth, I pray that you use as much of it as possible in service to the Lord and his people.

00:25:51.387 --> 00:25:53.449
Well, that's all for this week's show.

00:25:53.449 --> 00:25:57.132
You know, the name of this show speaks my hope for you.

00:25:57.132 --> 00:26:01.035
It's taken from the words of Romans, chapter 12, verse 2.

00:26:01.035 --> 00:26:17.387
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

00:26:17.387 --> 00:26:22.736
If you enjoyed what you heard, do me a favor, please, and tell someone you know about it.

00:26:22.736 --> 00:26:30.103
Send them a link in a text you know you may even need to download it to their phone and show them what a podcast is.

00:26:30.103 --> 00:26:34.134
If it was valuable to you, it will be to them.

00:26:36.685 --> 00:26:42.425
Visit renewedmindsetscom to hear past episodes, read the blog and check out the new merch.

00:26:42.425 --> 00:26:50.409
And, as always, while you're there, send me a voicemail by clicking the button at the bottom right corner of the main page.

00:26:50.409 --> 00:26:53.174
Tell me what you think about this show.

00:26:53.174 --> 00:26:56.386
I just might play it on a future episode.

00:26:56.386 --> 00:27:01.153
Until Until next week, I'm Rick.

00:27:01.153 --> 00:27:05.560
I love you.

00:27:05.560 --> 00:27:16.186
See, ya.

00:27:16.868 --> 00:27:21.442
The intro and outro music for the Renewed Mindsets podcast is Are you Ready?

00:27:21.442 --> 00:27:24.973
By Floodgate From the album Are you Ready?

00:27:24.973 --> 00:27:29.675
Copyright 2002 Offbeat Ministries Incorporated.

00:27:29.675 --> 00:27:34.892
Floodgate can be found on Apple Music and iTunes Music used with permission.

00:27:34.892 --> 00:27:41.080
On Apple Music and iTunes Music used with permission.

00:27:42.605 --> 00:27:50.173
Hey, you don't know how much I appreciate you listening to this podcast and if you're listening and you're regular, do you know that I have a second podcast?

00:27:50.173 --> 00:27:52.571
It's called Wisdom for the Day.

00:27:52.571 --> 00:27:56.237
You can find it at wisdomforthedayorg or right here.

00:27:56.237 --> 00:27:57.671
Wherever you're listening to this podcast, just do a search for Wisdom for the day.

00:27:57.671 --> 00:27:58.371
You can find it at wisdomforthedayorg or right here.

00:27:58.371 --> 00:28:01.953
Wherever you're listening to this podcast, just do a search for wisdom for the day.

00:28:01.953 --> 00:28:07.066
It's basically a daily podcast from the book of Proverbs.

00:28:07.066 --> 00:28:12.936
I read about two verses a day and do a deep dive on those two verses.

00:28:12.936 --> 00:28:22.314
Now, when you say deep dive on two verses, it's only going to be about five or six minutes, so you don't have to devote your whole life to another podcast.

00:28:22.314 --> 00:28:32.952
As much as I appreciate you listening to this one, I really want you to listen to the next one and I don't want to take up all your time, so give me five minutes.

00:28:32.952 --> 00:28:35.326
You can listen to that while you're shaving.

00:28:35.326 --> 00:28:40.258
You can listen to it when you first get in the car and waiting for it to warm up or cool off.

00:28:40.258 --> 00:28:44.730
I guess now, since it's going to be summer, I'd appreciate it.

00:28:44.730 --> 00:28:47.814
If you like it, let somebody else know about it too.

00:28:47.814 --> 00:28:50.951
That's wisdomforthedayorg.

00:28:50.951 --> 00:28:52.576
I love you.

00:28:52.576 --> 00:40:33.855
See, ya, no-transcript, no-transcript.

00:40:35.257 --> 00:40:39.800
And if you're listening and you're regular, do you know that I have a second podcast?

00:40:39.800 --> 00:40:42.224
It's called Wisdom for the Day.

00:40:42.224 --> 00:40:46.920
You can find it at wisdomforthedayorg or right here.

00:40:46.920 --> 00:40:51.556
Wherever you're listening to this podcast, just do a search for Wisdom for the Day.

00:40:51.556 --> 00:40:56.664
It's basically a daily podcast from the book of proverbs.

00:40:56.664 --> 00:41:02.545
I read about two verses a day and do a deep dive on those two verses.

00:41:02.545 --> 00:41:11.920
Now, when you say deep dive on two verses, it's only going to be about five or six minutes, so you don't have to devote your whole life to another podcast.

00:41:11.920 --> 00:41:22.570
As much as I appreciate you listening to this one, I really want you to listen to the next one and I don't want to take up all your time, so give me five minutes.

00:41:22.570 --> 00:41:24.938
You can listen to that while you're shaving.

00:41:24.938 --> 00:41:29.858
You can listen to it when you first get in the car and waiting for it to warm up or cool off.

00:41:29.858 --> 00:41:34.347
I guess now, since it's going to be summer, I'd appreciate it.

00:41:34.347 --> 00:41:37.423
If you like it, let somebody else know about it too.

00:41:37.423 --> 00:41:40.184
That's wisdomforthedayorg.

00:41:40.184 --> 00:41:43.440
I love you, see ya.