March 19, 2025

Cold Hearts in the End Times

Cold Hearts in the End Times

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The darkness is spreading, just as Scripture foretold. From systematic torture in detention centers to modern slavery, from militia violence against children to mass executions, our world increasingly reflects the sobering prophecy of 2 Timothy 3:1-4: "In the last days, terrible times will come, for people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money."

This spiritual decay isn't random but represents a profound shift toward selfishness and cruelty. Technology amplifies our obsession with validation rather than connection. Materialism drives the endless pursuit of wealth at others' expense. Absolute truth crumbles as Isaiah's warning plays out before us: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness." The consequences surround us – broken relationships, widespread injustice, and moral collapse.

Yet amid this growing coldness, God calls His people to remain warm-hearted. Romans 12:2 provides our strategy: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." This transformation enables us to practice radical empathy, serve selflessly, advocate boldly for justice, and demonstrate consistent kindness. Organizations rescuing trafficking victims, volunteers rebuilding after disasters, and individuals performing simple acts of compassion prove God remains active through those who choose to reflect His light. From "blessing boxes" providing food security to recovery programs offering healing, practical opportunities abound for pushing back against darkness.

The choice stands before each of us: Will we allow our hearts to grow cold like the world around us, or will we stay close to the warmth of God's presence and share it with others? Your decision matters more than ever. Share this message with someone who needs encouragement, and join us next week for more unfiltered biblical truth and undeniable prophecy. Jesus is coming soon – stay watchful, stay holy, stay renewed.

Listen to my friend Gayla at or wherever you get your podcasts.

Wisdom for the Day: Everyday podcast.

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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

Thank You. I Love You!



Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!


00:00 - Welcome

00:59 - Last Days Warnings

02:07 - Real-World Cruelty and Selfishness

04:15 - Spiritual Implications of a Self Centered Society

07:18 - The Call to Christian Compassion and Action

07:41 - 1. Cultivate Empathy and Compasion

08:14 - Engage in Community Outreach

08:44 - Advocate for Justice and Stand Against Evil

09:13 - Reflect Christ's Love EVERYDAY

09:50 - Radical Generosity

10:25 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation

10:58 - Raise Awareness- Educate

11:27 - Pray for Revival and Transformation

12:04 - Teach the Next Generation

12:31 - Live Boldly

13:28 - Hope in Action

17:08 - Living Differently

22:03 - Closing


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The world is changing and time is running out.

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This is Renewed Mindsets, where we confront biblical truth head-on no sugarcoating, no compromise.

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We expose false doctrine, reveal fulfilled prophecy and shine light on the demonic deception of these last days, but we also stand firm on the hope of Christ's return, the call to holiness and the urgency of true salvation.

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It's time to renew your mind, for the time is now.

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Let's go, boys.

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Hey, welcome to Renewed Mindsets.

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I'm Rick and I'm so glad you're here Today.

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I just want to open up the Word of God together and talk about something that's been heavy on my heart how selfishness and cruelty seem to be increasing all around us.

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Now we know the Bible warns us about these things in the end times.

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But as believers, how do we respond?

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How do we stay anchored in God's truth and shine His love in a world that's growing darker?

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Let's dig in and see what God has to say.

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So Scripture provides us with clear warnings about the nature of humanity in the last days.

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In 2 Timothy 3, 1-4, the Apostle Paul writes but understand this in the last days, terrible times will come, for people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money.

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You have to admit it paints a sobering picture of societal decay.

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It highlights the traits such as selfishness and greed and a lack of natural affection.

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Just pay attention to the news or your social media feed as you observe current events.

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It's evident that these prophecies are manifesting in our world today.

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So let's take a moment to look at some of the heartbreaking events that are happening in our world right now, things that really show just how much darkness is spreading.

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Now we all know that there's a war in the Ukraine and there's prisoners of war, and there's reports coming out that the execution of Ukrainian POWs is surging, with evidence that points to systematic orders for these actions.

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And also in the Ukraine, there's been investigations that have uncovered horrific abuse in Russian detention centers.

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Ukrainian men and boys are being subjected to electric shocks to their genitals and other acts of torture that are meant to strip away their dignity.

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Now let's go to Australia.

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Authorities are seeing a sharp rise in modern slavery, including forced marriages and sexual exploitation.

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It proves that even in today's world, people are still being treated like property.

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And in the Congo, the M23 militia is terrorizing communities, executing children and using sexual violence against women to gain control of land and resources.

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And in Mali, reports accuse Malayan forces, with their support of Russian Wagner mercenaries, of war crimes, mass executions, destruction of villages it's just unimaginable suffering.

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And these are just a few.

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They're not just random, isolated incidents.

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They're part of a much bigger shift, a world that's becoming more hardened, more desensitized and more self-absorbed.

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More desensitized and more self-absorbed.

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This is exactly what the Bible warned us about, and it's a reminder that we, as believers, need to stay vigilant, we need to stay prayerful and we need to shine the light of Christ in these dark times.

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So what we're seeing in the world today the cruelty, the selfishness, the complete disregard for others isn't just random.

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It's a sign of something much deeper.

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Spiritually, our society is sick when people put their own desires above everything else.

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Communities break down, morals fade and the world becomes more chaotic.

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The James 3.16 puts it plainly, for where envy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil practice.

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And isn't that exactly what we're witnessing?

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From broken relationships to full-blown injustice.

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This self-centered mindset is eroding empathy and it's making it easier for cruelty to spread unchecked.

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Think about how technology and social media play into this.

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So many people are obsessed with getting likes, followers and validation instead of building real, meaningful connections.

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Instead of kindness and understanding we see, cancel culture, criticism and division.

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Then there's materialism, our culture's obsession with wealth and status and success.

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People are chasing after money and power without caring about the destruction they leave in their wake.

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But Jesus warned us of that in Matthew 6, 24.

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No one can serve two masters.

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You can't serve both God and money.

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When society puts self-gain above everything else, greed and corruption follow.

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And even more concerning, we're watching absolute truth be replaced by whatever feels right in the moment.

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God's standards are being ignored in favor of personal opinions.

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That's exactly what the Laodicean church age is about People living by their own opinions instead of God's truth.

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Isaiah 520 warns us about this shift.

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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.

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And we're seeing it play out.

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Things the Bible calls sin are now celebrated, and those who stand for God's truth are labeled intolerant.

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The result A world that's drifting further from God, embracing lawlessness and moral decay.

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But here's the good news God has given us a way to stand firm, just from renewed mindsets.

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You know it.

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Romans 12, 2 reminds us do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

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It all comes down to this Stay rooted in God's Word, seek Him daily, choose to live out His love, even when the world grows colder.

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That's how we push back the darkness, by becoming the light he's called us to be.

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So, with all that said, how should we, as followers of Christ, respond?

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Well, we cannot allow our hearts to grow cold too, like the world around us.

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Instead, we have to actively seek to be vessels of God's love, shining his light in the darkness.

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Now here's some key ways that we can live out his call to compassion and action.

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So first, romans 12, 15 tells us rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.

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We've got to train our hearts to be sensitive to the pain and struggles of people around us.

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Now this starts with listening, truly listening to the needs of others rather than dismissing or judging them, whether it's a friend facing hardship or a stranger in crisis, or a community experiencing justice.

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We've got to show them the same grace and understanding that Christ shows us.

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Next, we've got Acts 20.35, and it reminds us it's more blessed to give than to receive.

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Now, one of the most powerful ways to counteract the selfishness of this world is by serving others, whether it's through volunteering at shelters or feeding the hungry, or mentoring at-risk youth.

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Our hands and feet should be extensions of God's love.

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When people see us acting selflessly, it softens their hearts and it draws them towards Christ.

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Next we go to Proverbs 31, 8, and 9.

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It says Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

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Speak up and judge fairly.

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Defend the rights of the poor and needy.

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We can't remain silent in the face of injustice.

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Whether it's standing against human trafficking or fighting for the unborn, or opposing corruption.

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We've got to be bold in proclaiming truth and defending the vulnerable.

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Next, and this is a big one, in a world filled with division and hostility, small acts of kindness can make a profound difference in people's lives.

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Just smiling at a stranger, offering encouragement to a co-worker, showing patience in difficult situations those are all ways to demonstrate Christ's love.

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Matthew 5.16 tells us let your interactions with people should be a testament to the power of God's love.

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So let's move on.

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The world encourages us to hoard wealth and possessions, but Jesus calls us to a different standard.

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Luke 6.38 says Give and it will be given to you.

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A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap, for with the measure you use it will be measured to you, whether it's financial giving, offering our time or using our talents to serve others.

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Generosity breaks the grip of materialism and it strengthens our faith.

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This one is so important.

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Bitterness and resentment are tools the enemy uses to divide us, but Jesus calls us to a higher standard.

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Colossians 3.13 teaches to a higher standard.

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Colossians 3.13 teaches Bear with each other and forgive one another.

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If any of you has a grievance against someone, forgive, as the Lord forgave you.

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Choosing forgiveness, even when it's difficult, demonstrates the transformative power of God's grace and promotes healing in a broken world.

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So we've got to educate people.

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Many people in this world are unaware of the spiritual battle that's taking place around them.

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By sharing biblical truths about selfishness and sin and the importance of compassion, we can awaken hearts to God's call.

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Whether it's through teaching or social media or personal conversations, spreading awareness equips others to resist the hardness of the heart that's taking over society.

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So how are we going to work to transform society?

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True change begins in the heart.

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We've got to pray for our own hearts to remain soft and for God to move in the lives of those around us.

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Ezekiel 36 26 gives us hope.

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I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.

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I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

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Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons that we have in combating the growing darkness of these times.

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Pray for revival all over and make sure that we're teaching the next generation.

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Proverbs 22 6 instructs us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he's old he will not depart from it.

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If we don't instill godly values in our own children, the world will shape them into its mold.

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By teaching them about kindness and integrity and the love of Christ, we equip them to be a light for future generations.

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And finally, we have to make sure that we don't shrink back in fear or apathy.

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Hebrews 10.23 reminds us.

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Fear or apathy.

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Hebrews 10.23 reminds us.

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Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

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The days are dark, but we are not without hope.

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We have to live with purpose, boldly proclaiming the gospel and being faithful in the mission God has given us.

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By embodying all these principles that I just talked about, we not only resist the tide of selfishness and cruelty, but also reflect on the transformative power of God's love in our lives.

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If we truly want to change the world, it starts with us, by choosing to live differently, to love radically and to shine brightly in the midst of darkness.

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Even in the midst of all the darkness, there's incredible stories of hope, proof that God is still moving and working through his people.

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There's organizations and individuals dedicated to rescuing those trapped in suffering, whether it's victims of human trafficking or even abused animals.

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They step in, they provide care and they give people a second chance at life.

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Take the International Justice Mission, for example.

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They've helped thousands of people escape modern-day slavery.

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One powerful story is that of Kumar.

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He was enslaved in a brick kiln in India for years before IJM intervened.

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They rescued him and helped him rebuild his life.

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And when disaster strikes, a lot of times we see people come together in amazing ways.

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They show selflessness and unity.

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Now there's a tornado outbreak in 2023 in Kentucky.

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Churches and volunteers across the state stepped up.

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They rebuilt homes, they distributed food and offered emotional and spiritual support to people who lost everything.

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That is the love of Christ in action.

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God's also working through people who are raising awareness and fighting for justice.

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Christine Kane is a Christian advocate.

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She founded A21 Ministries.

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It's an anti-trafficking or anti-human trafficking organization, and it not only rescues victims, but it educates communities and people to prevent further exploitation.

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Her faith has fueled a global movement to bring freedom to the oppressed.

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Now we've all seen how God can take a life heading down the wrong path and completely transform it.

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I'm sure you have.

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Look at Nicky Cruz.

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He was a feared gang leader in New York, but everything changed when he encountered Jesus through an evangelist named David Wilkerson.

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That encounter led him to become a minister.

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He shared the gospel with thousands and brought people out of the same darkness that he lived in once, and sometimes it's the simplest acts of kindness that make the biggest difference.

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In 2022, a police officer in Arizona noticed a homeless man struggling with torn shoes.

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Instead of just offering sympathy, he took off his own boots and gave them to the man.

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That's exactly what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25, 40.

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Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

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Now, these stories remind us that, no matter how dark the world may seem, god is still at work.

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His love is being poured out through people who choose to reflect His light.

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When we hear testimonies like these, it encourages us to resist the coldness of the world and step up to be a part of what God is doing right where we are.

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So we have to live differently.

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How can we push back against the darkness?

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Let's think about some real, practical ways that we can fight against the selfishness and cruelty that we see in the world.

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These aren't just ideas.

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They're things that real people and organizations are already doing to make a difference.

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We need to regularly check our own hearts and make sure our actions and attitudes reflect Christ.

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Let's take a look at Casey Diaz.

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He was a gang leader living a life of violence, but everything changed when he met Jesus in solitary confinement.

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Now he speaks about redemption and what a transformed life really looks like, and one of the best ways to push back against the darkness is to actively spread light.

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Now you know, you've seen them.

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Many small churches have started the blessing boxes right.

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They're community pantries where people can leave food and toiletries for anybody in need.

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Simple acts of generosity like this make a huge impact, and other initiatives like that have helped fight food insecurity in communities all over the world.

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The choices that we make, where we shop, what we support matters.

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We need to support ethical and compassionate businesses.

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Thistle Farms is a great example.

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This company employs and helps women recovering from trafficking, addiction abuse, and it proves that a business can be a force for healing.

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When we support businesses that align with God's heart for justice and compassion, we help create lasting change.

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So many people are hurting physically, emotionally, spiritually.

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We need to create spaces where they can find healing through Christ.

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Celebrate Recovery is one of those spaces.

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It's a Christian-based addiction recovery program that has helped thousands overcome struggles through biblical principles.

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My own church has started a Celebrate Recovery group.

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I can't wait to see the lives that will be changed through it and if you'd like to be a part of that, find a Celebrate Recovery in your local area.

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And if you can't find one, go to buymeacoffeecom.

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Slash renewedmindsets.

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I'll let you donate to my church and I'll make sure that you get credit for that.

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Sorry for the plug, but Celebrate Recovery is really awesome.

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We need to remember to pray for people who are suffering.

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It's not just something that we do.

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Prayer is powerful.

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In 2024, churches around the world united in prayer for persecuted Christians in Afghanistan.

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That movement of prayer brought global attention to their suffering and led to more advocacy and action on their behalf.

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Never underestimate what God can do when his people pray.

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Now we said this earlier If we want a better future, we've got to invest in the next generation.

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Proverbs 22.6 reminds us again train up a child in the way he should go, and when he's older he will not depart from it.

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Programs like Character Counts have integrated biblical values like integrity, responsibility and kindness into school curriculums.

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It shapes young hearts for good, and we need to be intentional about teaching children how to walk in truth, as well as us living with boldness and purpose.

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This isn't time for fear or hesitation.

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People, this is the end times.

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Hebrews 10.23 calls us to stand firm.

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Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

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Look at Nick Vujic.

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He was born without arms or legs, yet he's traveled the world boldly, preaching the gospel and showing millions that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.

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We're called to live with that same courage.

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People, you and I, are called to live with that same courage and purpose.

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It starts with us.

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If we really want to change the world, it begins with the choices that we make every day, when we choose to love radically, to serve selflessly and stand boldly for Christ, we push back against the darkness.

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The world may seem cold, but we're called to shine the light of Jesus now more than ever.

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The world may be growing colder, but we don't have to Stay close to the warmth of God's presence, abide in His love and share it with those around you.

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I want to thank you for joining me today on Renewed Mindsets.

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If this message blessed, you, share it with someone who needs encouragement.

00:22:21.814 --> 00:22:26.163
Until next time, stay strong in faith and keep your heart burning for the Lord.

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That's all for today, but I'll be back with more unfiltered biblical truth and undeniable prophecy.

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The time to wake up is now.

00:22:34.683 --> 00:22:39.219
If today's episode challenged you, don't keep it to yourself.

00:22:39.219 --> 00:22:40.402
Tell someone.

00:22:40.402 --> 00:22:40.962

00:22:40.962 --> 00:22:42.426
Text them a link.

00:22:42.426 --> 00:22:45.323
Share the truth while there's still time.

00:22:45.323 --> 00:22:53.884
Visit renewedmindsetscom to stay connected and to listen to past episodes, and check out our merch at renewedmindsetsstore.

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Jesus is coming soon.

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Stay watchful, stay holy, stay renewed Until next week.

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I'm Rick.

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Be an encourager, not a discourager.

00:23:12.121 --> 00:23:27.480
I love you, see ya.