To connect with God means everything. When the relentless hustle of life leaves you yearning for meaning, it's time to stop and ponder whether your daily grind aligns with your true calling. Our special bonus episode is a heartfelt narrative inspired by RW Shambaugh, a pastor whose tale exemplifies the transformative power of prayer and a deep, personal connection with God. As your host, I'm here to guide you through an intimate exploration of what it means to not just work for God, but to walk with Him and bask in His presence.
We all too often mistake activity for achievement, especially in spiritual matters. But is our relentless service actually distancing us from the Divine? Through stirring personal anecdotes, I share the revelation that when we join forces with God's supernatural touch, our burdens become lighter, and our efforts are amplified. As we reflect on the wisdom of Psalm 27:14, this episode becomes a sanctuary where patience and strength are nurtured. Join me as we illuminate the path to not only doing God's work but embracing the joy of simply being with Him.
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Renewed Mindsets can be found on Facebook, Twitter (X), Threads and Instagram as Renewed Mindsets. Our website is Leave a voicemail message, yellow microphone on every page, I might just use it on a future episode.
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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.
Thank You. I Love You!
Be An Encourager...Not A Discourager!
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Welcome to the first bonus episode of the week.
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Hope you enjoyed the main show from Wednesday Patience in an Instant Gratification World.
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This is just a little extra from that.
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Hope you enjoy it.
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If you do, let me know at rick at renewedmindsetscom.
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Or you can just go to the website renewedmindsetscom, or you can just go to the website renewedmindsetscom slash comment.
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Either way, I'll get back with you.
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Look for a new bonus in a couple days.
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Are you doing what you're called to do?
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There's an old-timey pastor, RW Shambaugh.
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That man was doing what he was called to do.
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There's an old timey pastor, rw Shambaugh.
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That man was doing what he was called to do.
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He was praying.
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He was praying every night for people.
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People said he had bushels of baskets that were being taken out every night, that he preached these revivals, and these baskets were filled with eyeglasses where people's eyesight was healed.
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Multiple wheelchairs were leaving that place every night in those tent meetings, crutches would be broken in half and left there to burn.
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They'd get rid of all that garbage every single night.
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He laid hands on everything that moved in those tents.
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He prayed for every single person that he came across in that prayer line and he'd get to the hotel room every night after it was over, absolutely exhausted, and he'd fall into bed Every single night.
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He said I'll pray later.
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And one night, in the middle of the night, the Lord woke him up with a bright light in the room and said why are you not praying to me?
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Why are you not spending time with me?
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And he said, lord, trying to justify his own self.
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He said, lord, I'm doing what you called me to do.
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I'm doing it the way you told me to.
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Am I not supposed to spend time with these people and do all these things and heal them?
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And God said, yeah, but without me, son, you can do nothing.
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People, you've got to spend time with God, real time, and I want you to understand that it takes time to build a relationship.
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You just don't start out knowing something and knowing somebody.
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It takes time, spending time and connecting with someone to build a true, real, lasting relationship, getting down to those places that have been calloused over in your heart.
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Getting down to those places that have been calloused over in your heart, getting down to those places that have been waxed cold inside of you.
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It takes a hot flame to begin to melt wax off your heart.
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So if you can feel the presence of God in your life, you're halfway there.
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It takes time.
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It takes time to know somebody, man, no matter how much time we spend doing it ourselves, we can't produce the rest of our life without God.
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We have to come to him.
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Christians have worked themselves to death serving God, but if they spent half their time with him in prayer and waiting on him before they jumped in with both feet and did it their own way, they'd find out that his accompaniment, his supernatural accompaniment, would have worked mightily in their life and they'd have gotten twice as much done in half the amount of time.
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Are you beginning to see how important it is to wait on God?
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David said in Psalm 27, 14, wait patiently for the Lord, be brave and courageous.
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Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
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Let your heart be stout, wait and hope and expect the Lord, and let your heart be strong in the waiting and hope for what's coming, you got to be able to stand it.
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You got to be able to stand there knowing that God's coming, he's doing it, he's bringing it.
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Man, I'm telling you, when you wait in the presence of God, the word says we can radiate God's presence.
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I can absolutely tell you.
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This is the absolute truth.
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I've been around people that have had the pure anointing of God in their life.
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Truth, I've been around people that have had the pure anointing of God in their life.
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And wherever you get to, wherever you get to, whenever you get to the first preacher that I ever heard that was under the anointing of God, I felt the conviction of God in my life and I went to that altar.
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The closer I got to that altar, the more I began to shake, because the power of God was in that room, and the closer that I got to the presence of God, I could feel his presence radiating.
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Man Moses gives us a picture of what it was like waiting on the Lord's presence.
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When he climbed up top of Mount Sinai for the second time to get the new set of Ten Commandments that were etched in stone, he encountered the presence of God.
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And the Bible says, when Moses came down carrying those stone tablets, that he wasn't aware that his face had become radiant Because he'd spoken to the Lord.
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He'd been in the presence of God speaking to God and God speaking back to him.
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He was touching the presence of God and intertwining himself with the presence of God.
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He came down off that mountain, he had no idea that his face was shining.
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Now, this thing with Moses was a recurring thing when you come into the presence of God.
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When he came into the presence of God, his face would begin to glow.
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And then he came to the children of Israel and his brother Aaron was with him and the people were afraid of him.
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So they began to cover his face with a veil until he came into the presence of God and then he pulled the veil off of his face, touching the presence of the Lord.
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The veil was removed when he was in the presence of God.
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But do you hear what I'm saying?
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Moses saw him and they saw Moses.
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They began to know one another.
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In Exodus 34 and 35, when Moses had finished speaking with him, he put the veil on his face.
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But whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he would take the veil off and then he'd put it back on when he left and he'd come out and speak to the children of Israel.
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And whenever the children of Israel saw, as the face of Moses, that the skin on his face glowed, they became afraid, and it's not just limited to Moses.
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Paul says in 2 Corinthians, that when anyone turns to the Lord from his sins, then that veil is taken away.
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We, as Christians, don't have to have a veil over our face.
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We can be mirrors that reflect the Lord to the world as the Spirit, as the Holy Spirit works within us and we become more and more like him.
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The longer we walk with God and the more we wait in his presence, the more we're transformed by his Holy Ghost.
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A man into the image of Jesus Christ, a man that's holy.
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When you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, you are the image of Jesus Christ.
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Connect with God, spend time with God, spend time in his word, spend time in prayer.
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Let him transform you, intertwine with you, become braided with the Lord.
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You've got to.
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That's all for this little bonus episode.
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I hope you enjoyed it.
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Look for another one in a day or two.
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I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to have you excited about it.
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If you enjoyed it, look for another one in a day or two.
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I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to have you excited about it.
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If you enjoyed this, tell somebody about it.
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Let them know what's going on over here at Renewed Mindsets.
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Let this change their life too.
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Until next time, I'm Rick.
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I love you See ya.
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I love you, see ya.