Are You Prepared?
Do you remember the epic Lord of the Rings movies? Among the trilogy, my personal favorite was The Return of the King. A significant part of the film takes place in the land of Gondor, a place devoid of hope and strength. The inhabitants of Gondor had been eagerly awaiting the return of their king to claim the throne and bring salvation. As the movie unfolds, the rightful king, Aragorn, rises to his leadership role, facing numerous challenges and ultimately restoring peace to the land. This tale of the long-awaited return of a king is not just a story; it bears striking resemblance to our own lives and our anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ.
The Return of Our King:
In Matthew chapter 25, Jesus provides us with a glimpse of the grandeur and significance of his second coming to establish his kingdom. Verses 31 to 33 describe the glorious scene that will unfold: when the Son of Man comes in his glory, accompanied by heavenly angels, seated upon his majestic throne. All nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people, just as a shepherd distinguishes between sheep and goats. This anticipated return of Jesus will bring about a day of reckoning.
The Glorious Return:
There is no denying the certainty of Jesus' return. It is a simple fact that has been promised to us. When Jesus first came into this world, he humbly entered as the Savior, leading a modest life. However, his second coming will be anything but humble. Jesus will not return in a mere human body but in his resurrected, glorious form, radiating the glory of God. He will come as the King of the Universe, accompanied by countless angels, demonstrating his indomitable power and glory. Jesus will establish his reign upon Earth, and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Gathering the Nations:
When Jesus returns, he will gather all nations, bringing together people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. Regardless of creed, race, language, or religion, every individual who has ever lived will stand before the Lord. Jesus will distribute justice according to his divine wisdom and omniscience. The purpose of his throne will be to judge the world, unveiling the stark contrast between the people of God and those who have rejected him. Scripture clearly portrays our world as torn between these two kingdoms, as evident even within nations, communities, and even churches.
Separation of the Sheep and the Goats:
The return of the King will bring about a complete separation, dividing the world between the righteous and the wicked. Those who believe in Jesus, born again and serving him faithfully, will be likened to sheep, positioned on the right side, symbolizing a place of blessing. The goats, representing those who do not believe in Jesus and reject him, will be placed to the left, representing a place of rejection. To which side will you belong?
Reward and Rejection:
As the King gathers his people, he will pass judgment on their actions and deeds. In verses 34 to 40, Jesus describes how the righteous ones who served others in their time of need will be blessed, inheriting the kingdom prepared for them from the beginning. The righteous will be amazed and question when they served Jesus in these ways. Jesus emphasizes that whatever service they provided for others, it was as if they had done it for him. On the other hand, those who failed to minister and lived selfish lives, turning a blind eye to the suffering around them, will face eternal punishment.
The return of the King, Jesus Christ, will either be a moment of great acceptance or devastating rejection. Serving Jesus means serving others and reflecting the love he has for them. Are you living a life of service and compassion, akin to the sheep? Or are you neglecting the needs of others, akin to the goats? The choice is yours. Make things right with Jesus, who loves you unconditionally and offers hope and salvation. Prepare for the return of the King and ensure that you stand among his righteous servants when that glorious day arrives.