Send us a text The darkness is spreading, just as Scripture foretold. From systematic torture in detention centers to modern slavery, from militia violence against children to mass executions, our world increasingly reflects ...
Send us a text Did the Apostle Paul really teach that Christians should abandon the Sabbath? This controversial question has divided believers for centuries, but a deeper examination of Scripture reveals a surprising truth. W...
Send us a text The Sabbath commandment stands as perhaps the most widely overlooked divine instruction among modern Christians. With passionate conviction, this episode strips away centuries of tradition to reveal startling t...
Send us a text Are we witnessing a spiritual drought in the modern church? In this episode, we delve into the pressing issue of a church seemingly devoid of the power promised by Jesus. With stark clarity, we examine why many...
Send us a text What if the ancient prophecies about the second coming of Jesus are unfolding right before our eyes? Join me, Rick, on Renewed Mindsets as we explore this intriguing possibility from a Gen X perspective. We jou...
Send us a text Can our daily choices mirror the pivotal decision of Pilate regarding Jesus? Join us on Renewed Mindsets as we unlock the profound influence our actions have on accepting or rejecting Jesus in our lives. We pro...
Halloween of Death In the latest episode of Renewed Mindsets, hosts Rick and Lauren King delve deep into the spiritual implications of Halloween, a holiday often dismissed as harmless fun. They examine its origins in the ancient Celtic festival of …
Three Things In the latest episode of Renewed Mindsets, we dive deep into the profound truths about God's limitless power and boundless love. This episode, titled "Unleashing God's Power Through Faith," aims to provide listeners with hope and encou…
Wisdom and Favor, Gone in an Instant In this thought-provoking episode of "Renewed Mindsets," we delve into the life of King Solomon, one of history's most fascinating figures. King Solomon is a figure of immense wisdom, divine favor, and yet, sign…